WarezTheRemote? Under the Couch and Listening to You

											<img alt="" height="520" src="https://www.guardicore.com/wp-content/uploads/ofri.jpg" width="520" />														</div>
				<p><em><b>Ofri Ziv</b></em></p><p><em>VP Research, Guardicore Labs</em></p>					</div>
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				<p>We have the coolest and smartest people here. Even RSA thinks they’re cool enough to speak at their conference.</p><p>Meet <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/ofri-ziv-353a98135/" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Ofri Ziv</a>, our VP of Research at <a href="https://www.guardicore.com/labs/" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Guardicore Labs</a>, and <a href="https://twitter.com/JJ_Lehmann" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">JJ Lehmann</a>, one of our Labs senior researchers.</p>					</div>
											<img alt="" height="520" src="https://www.guardicore.com/wp-content/uploads/jj-lehmna.jpg" width="520" />														</div>
				<p><em><b>JJ Lehmann</b></em></p><p><em>Senior Researcher, Guardicore Labs</em></p>					</div>
		<h2>Remote Access</h2>		</div>
				<p>The research was originally posted on our <a href="https://www.guardicore.com/blog/wareztheremote-turning-remotes-into-listening-devices/" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Labs Blog</a>, and we’re thrilled to be taking this show on the road at RSA Conference.&nbsp;</p><p>So what exactly is the talk about? Why, remote controls of course.</p>					</div>
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				<p>We love our IoT devices. There’s nothing quite like being able to literally speak something into existence. However, this offers up an entirely new attack surface for malicious actors. Such as, your TV Remote.</p><p>In this talk, Ofri and JJ will walk you through the attack path that can take make your remote control a remote listening device. Because who wouldn’t want their remote recording everything you’re saying and sending it back to an unknown party? <img alt="😨" src="https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.0.1/svg/1f628.svg" />&nbsp;</p>					</div>
		<h2>Come join in on the fun!</h2>		</div>
				<p>Their session will be at 10:35 AM – 11:15 AM PT on May 17th. You won’t want to miss it! Even though it’s virtual it will definitely be…&nbsp;<i><b>remotely</b></i> interesting. Get it? Couldn’t resist.</p>					</div>
		<a href="https://path.rsaconference.com/flow/rsac/us21/us21regdefault/login?gaclid=548253265.1620668383&amp;recipientID=undefined&amp;gaclid=1374166482.1620663673&amp;recipientID=undefined&amp;_gl=1*1h7dvpr*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE2MjA2NjM4NjYuQ2owS0NRandzLU9FQmhDa0FSSXNBUGhPa0liX2FFYWtjRlVOS252dlg4MlltOThRS0ZLdmdVa1c4N0pqQ3BzOE9ScVNhOTlxbUpiblh0a2FBZ3lKRUFMd193Y0I.*_ga*MTM3NDE2NjQ4Mi4xNjIwNjYzNjcz*_ga_Q3JZKF3KQM*MTYyMDkyMTE0OS4zLjAuMTYyMDkyMTE0OS4w&amp;_ga=2.51244257.970959375.1620921150-1374166482.1620663673" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">
					Register for RSA here!

Article Link: WarezTheRemote? Under the Couch and Listening to You - Guardicore