Update: re-search.py Version 0.0.13

In this update, you can also save your library with custom regular expressions in the working directory (in prior versions, it would only take it from the application directory).

Here is an example with a regular expression for MAC addresses:

And there’s a small fix for URL regex: a – character was not considered to be part of the query of a URL.

re-search_V0_0_13.zip (https)
MD5: 241464482856756FF1C0C2386AF84CD5
SHA256: 9409EC639C4C6E988ADFC2401CA89200712BE171894D214B56E4ACC84C32E489

Article Link: https://blog.didierstevens.com/2019/03/11/update-re-search-py-version-0-0-13/