Spamdexing: What is SEO Spam and How to Remove It

Spamdexing: What is SEO Spam and How to Remove It

If you’re wondering what is SEO spam, a good way to gain an understanding is finding this wily beast in the wild. In your favorite browser, search with the terms buy viagra cialis. (You might want to check over your shoulder first.)

Now, without clicking anything, scroll through the results. Doesn’t it seem odd that seemingly non-pharmaceutical websites are advertising these medications?

You’ve just spotted a few likely examples of spamdexing, where innocent websites have been hacked and injected with keywords intended to lure traffic to bad actors’ scams.

Continue reading Spamdexing: What is SEO Spam and How to Remove It at Sucuri Blog.

The post Spamdexing: What is SEO Spam and How to Remove It appeared first on Security Boulevard.

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