Quickpost: Retrieving an SSL Certificate with nmap

One of my first quickposts, more than 10 years ago, was an howto: using openssl to retrieve the certificate of a web site.

Since then, nmap has a scripting engine, and there is a script to check a certificate with nmap: cert-ssl.nse.

You just have to scan the site and port for which you want to check the certificate, like this: nmap -p 443 –script ssl-cert didierstevens.com

If you want the certificate too, increase verbosity with option -v:

Checking a certificate will not work if you scan a port that is not known to provide SSL/TLS:

In that case, you have to use service discovery (-sV):


Quickpost info

Article Link: https://blog.didierstevens.com/2019/05/19/quickpost-retrieving-an-ssl-certificate-with-nmap/