Quickpost: Email Server Simulator

I needed an email server simulator to test a script I’m writing (a simple email honeypot), and found GreenMail.

It’s a Java application and can thus run on Windows too:

This is the command I used:

java -Dgreenmail.setup.test.all -Dgreenmail.users=testuser1:P#[email protected],testuser2:P#[email protected] -Dgreenmail.verbose -Dgreenmail.auth.disabled -jar greenmail-standalone-1.5.7.jar

This command starts all servers (SMTP, POP3, IMAP) on the default ports + 3000 (3025, 3110, …).

I configured 2 user mailboxes, enabled verbosity and disabled authentication.

To send emails to my script, I used Outlook:

Since everything is running on the same machine using localhost (, I’m using Npcap so that I can capture loopback traffic with Wireshark (WinPcap can not capture loopback traffic).


Quickpost info

Article Link: Quickpost: Email Server Simulator | Didier Stevens