PLEAD Downloader Used by BlackTech

In a past article, we introduced TSCookie, malware which seems to be used by BlackTech[1]. It has been revealed that this actor also uses another type of malware “PLEAD”. (“PLEAD” is referred to both as a name of malware including TSCookie and its attack campaign [2]. In this article, we refer to “PLEAD” as a type malware apart from TSCookie.) PLEAD has two kinds – RAT (Remote Access Tool) and downloader. The RAT operates based on commands that are provided from C&C servers. (Please refer to a blog post from LAC for more information [3].) On the other hand, PLEAD downloader downloads modules and runs it on memory in the same way as TSCookie does.

This article presents behaviour of PLEAD downloader in detail.

Behaviour of PLEAD downloader

PLEAD downloader downloads RC4-encrypted modules from certain sites. Figure 1 shows an example of an encrypted file downloaded from a server.

Figure 1: Example of file download by PLEAD downloader

The first 20h of the downloaded file is the RC4 key to decode the file. Once decoded, you can find the module (hereafter referred to as “PLEAD module”), C&C server, encryption keys etc. Figure 2 is an example of a decrypted file.

Figure 2: Decrypting downloaded file

PLEAD downloader loads PLEAD module (contained in the decrypted data) and executes it. The module will not be saved as a file but only exists on the memory. The following section will explain the details of PLEAD module.

Behaviour of PLEAD module

PLEAD module operates based on commands provided from C&C servers. Communication to/from C&C servers is RC4-encrypted and then compressed with LZO. The RC4 encryption key is a combination of the ones generated by itself and another sent from a C&C server. Figure 3 describes the flow of communication that PLEAD module performs.

Figure 3: PLEAD module communication

PLEAD module first shares a RC4 key with a C&C server. Below is an example of an HTTP GET request which is sent at the beginning of the communication. Cookie header contains an encrypted RC4 key. In the data sent in Cookie header, “D” and “E” are interchanged. Refer to Table A-1 and A-2 in Appendix A for data format.

GET /index.php?id=1577061168 HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache
Accept: */*
Pragma: no-cache
Cookie: 800809D6411C6E2629001900A92309EB26192117C5A59F306E207A8993A2F20121FC3B42B6DF693838
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022)
Host: [host name]
Connection: Keep-Alive

RC4 key for data encryption is 32 bytes long, divided into 5 blocks (4 byte * 4 + 16 byte * 1). The first block in the key (Key1 in Figure 3) is included in the configuration of PLEAD module. The second and the third block (Key2 and 3) are set to 0 in the HTTP GET request. The fourth block (Key4) is randomly generated and inserted after “id” in the URL. The fifth block (Key5) is generated based on Key4 value.

The data which is sent first contains Key2 value. With that value, the recipient server encrypts Key3 value and send it to C&C server. The data format is described in Table A-3 and A-4 in Appendix A. This way, an RC4 key is generated and used for communication that follows.

Below is a part of Python script to decode data.

def decode(key1, key2, key3, key4, data, lzo_header):
    rc4_key = key1 + pack("III", key2, key3, key4)
    for i in xrange(4):
        key4 = ROR(key4 + 1, 5)
        rc4_key += pack("I", key4)
dec = rc4(data, rc4_key)

    return lzo.decompress(lzo_header + dec)
    sys.exit("[!] Lzo decompress error.")

After sharing the RC4 key, PLEAD module sends information about an infected host using HTTP POST request. The data format is the same as shown in Table A-1 in Appendix A.

POST /index.php?id=2852129559 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022)
Host: [host name]
Content-Length: [data size]
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cache-Control: no-cache


The data itself contains the host name, OS version, IP address, user account name of the infected host. Figure 4 is an example of decoded data.

Figure 4: Example of decoded data that PLEAD module sends

After that, a command will be sent from a C&C server. PLEAD module can execute the following functions based on the commands that are provided.

  • Send file list
  • Arbitrary shell command execution
  • Upload/download files
  • File Operations

(Refer to B-1 in Appendix B for the details of the command)


As we previously described, this actor has been conducting attacks against Japanese organisations using various kinds of malware. As this attack campaign is likely to continue, JPCERT/CC will watch the trend carefully.

We have listed the hash values of the samples that were described in this article in Appendix C. Some C&C servers that are lately confirmed are also listed in Appendix D. Please make sure that none of your devices is accessing these hosts.

- Shusei Tomonaga

(Translated by Yukako Uchida)


[1] TrendMicro: Following the Trail of BlackTech’s Cyber Espionage Campaigns

[2] TrendMicro: Following the Trail of BlackTech’s Cyber Espionage Campaigns

[3] LAC: Confirmed Attacks against Japanese Organizations by BlackTech Using “PLEAD” (Japanese)

Appendix A PLEAD module communication data
Table A-1: Format of data contained in Cookie header
Offset Length Contents
0x00 4 Hash value
0x04 4 RC4 key (Key1)
0x08 2 Data length
0x0A 2 Original length of data with offset 0x0C
0x0C - Encrypted data (RC4+LZO) (Refer to Table A-2)

*In the data contained in Cookie header, “D” and “E” are interchanged.

Table A-2: Format of encrypted data contained in Cookie header
Offset Length Contents
0x00 2 0x0000
0x02 4 RC4 key (Key2)
0x06 - Random numeric
Table A-3: Format of received data
Offset Length Contents
0x00 4 RC4 key (Key2)
0x04 4 Hash value
0x08 4 RC4 key (Key1)
0x0C 2 Original length of data with offset 0x0E
0x0E - Encrypted data (RC4+LZO) (Refer to Table A-4)
Table A-4: Format of encrypted data contained in the received data
Offset Length Contents
0x00 2 0x0001
0x02 4 RC4 key (Key3)
Appendix B PLEAD module commands
Table B-1: List of commands
Value Contents
0x100 Send file list
0x105 Send file size
0x107 Move file
0x109 Delete file
0x10B Upload file
0x10D Execute file
0x10F Execute file (using registry entry value)
0x111 Create directory
0x113 Move file
0x115 Delete directory
0x200 Send file or directory information
0x203 Create directory
0x206 Download file
0x207 Send file information
0x20B Upload file
0x300 Launch remote shell and execute command
0x305 Move current directory
0x307 End remote shell
0x309 Send file list of current directory file
0x30C Delete file or change attribution
0x404 Proxy set up
0x406 Send proxy data
0x408 Receive proxy data
0x40A End proxy
Appendix C SHA-256 hash value of samples


  • bc2c8cc9896cdd5816509f43cb5dca7433198251d754a997a70db7e8ed5cca40
  • a26df4f62ada084a596bf0f603691bc9c02024be98abec4a9872f0ff0085f940
  • 2ddb2030ab3373b9438102b541aa4623b7dfee972850dcef05742ecbe8982e22
  • eec3f761f7eabe9ed569f39e896be24c9bbb8861b15dbde1b3d539505cd9dd8d

PLEAD module

  • 23f554cc5bea9d4ccd62b0bbccaa4599f225ebce4ad956a576cc1a9b2a73dc15
Appendix D List of C&C servers

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