Malware Being Distributed Disguised as a Job Application Letter

AhnLab Security Emergency response Center (ASEC) has identified that malware disguised as a job application letter is continuously being distributed. This malware is equipped with a feature that checks for the presence of various antivirus processes including a process with AhnLab’s product name (V3Lite.exe) and is being distributed through malicious URLs designed to resemble a Korean job-seeking website. Below are the discovered download URLs.

  • hxxps://manage.albamon[.]info/download/20230201good001/%EC<omitted>_%EC%9E%85%EC%82%AC%EC%A7%80%EC%9B%90%EC%84%9C.hwp.scr
  • hxxps://manage.albamon[.]live/23_05_15_05/%EC%<omitted>_%EC%9E%85%EC%82%AC%EC%A7%80%EC%9B%90%EC%84%9C.hwp.scr
  • hxxps://manage.albamon[.]live/23_05_22_Fighting_ok/%EC<omitted>_%EC%9E%85%EC%82%AC%EC%A7%80%EC%9B%90%EC%84%9C.hwp.scr
Figure 1. Downloaded file

The malicious file downloaded from the above URLs has a screen saver file extension (.scr) and an HWP document icon. Upon execution, the compressed file data stored in the internal RCDATA is saved as %Public%\[6 ransom characters].zip as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2. Properties of Lim**_Job Application Letter.hwp.scr
Figure 3. Data within RCDATA
Figure 4. Compressed file

Afterward, it creates additional files by decompressing the above file in the %Public%\Documents\Defender\[six random characters] directory. For wechatweb.exe, the created file name consists of six random characters. The files created are shown below.

Figure 5. Created files
File Name Feature
lim_b_n.hwp Normal HWP file
cmcs21.dll Decodes and executes yga.txt
wechatweb.exe ([six random characters].exe) Loads cmcs21.dll
yga.txt Encoded malicious data
Table 1. Features of each file

It then creates the %Public%\Music\[six random characters] folder before creating an InternetShortcut file to enable the execution of the normal HWP file created before and wechatweb.exe ([six random characters].exe). This shortcut file is deleted after it is executed.

Figure 6. Shortcut file for HWP file execution
Figure 7. Shortcut file for Exe file execution

The HWP document executed via the shortcut file in Figure 6 is a normal document that has the format of a job application letter as shown below.

Figure 8. Normal HWP document

wechatweb.exe ([six random characters].exe) executed via the shortcut file in Figure 7 loads cmcs21.dll which was created simultaneously and executes the exports function named CMGetCommandString. The loaded cmcs21.dll file registers the following registry entry to enable the malicious file to run continuously.

  • HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\specialyouttg0a
  • Data: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Defender\[six random characters]\[six random characters].exe(wechatweb.exe)

Afterward, it reads and decodes yga.txt and injects the data into the recursively executed wechatweb.exe ([six random characters].exe) process, ultimately executing malicious behaviors such as information theft. The injected process creates a file named [six random characters].Kinf in the same folder where it encodes and saves keylogging data later on.

Figure 9. Encoded keylogging data

It also collects information on various antivirus programs including a process name deemed to be AhnLab’s antivirus software (V3Lite.exe). When certain processes are identified, it sends the information on the right-hand side of Table 2 below, instead of the process name.

Process Name Transmitted Information
V3Lite.exe V3
AvastSvc.exe Avast
NCleanService.exe NaverCleaner
Nsvmon.npc NaverVaccine
360rps.exe 360
ZhuDongFangYu.exe 360
Table 2. Checked process names and transmitted information

Below is a list of other information collected.

0$*[ Drive volume serial number ]$*0515$*$*[ Local PC’s IP information ]$*$*[ PC name ] $* [Username]  $* [ OS version information ] $* [ Memory usage ] MB $* [ Processor information ] $* [ Screen resolution] $*$*$* [ Process time information ] $*[ Random value ] $* [ Text in the foreground window ] $* [ Types of antivirus processes in use ] $*2560230837$*zxcv12321$*1111111$*
Collected information

This malware can not only collect information but perform a variety of malicious behaviors according to the threat actor’s commands including Internet options configuration, capturing screenshots, managing services, and checking Internet cookie data.

  • C2 :[.]vip:6187

Files disguised as Job Application Letter.scr have been continuously distributed as shown below. The recent download URLs for the malware are designed to resemble a Korean job-seeking and recruitment website, and it is difficult for users to recognize that they are fake. Thus, particular caution is advised on the part of users.

Date of Identification File Name
Feb. 18, 2021 Bae**_Job Application Letter.scr
May 10, 2021 Lee**_Job Application Letter.scr
Jan. 17, 2022 Song**_Job Application Letter.scr
Apr. 04, 2022 Lee**_Job Application Letter.scr
Jan. 31, 2023 Lee**_Job Application Letter.hwp.scr
May 15, 2023 Lim**_Job Application Letter.hwp.scr
Table 3. Additionally identified files

[File Detection]
Dropper/Win.Agent.C5433106 (2023.05.26.02)
Dropper/Win.Agent.C5433107 (2023.05.26.02)
Data/BIN.Encoded (2023.06.01.03)
Trojan/Win32.Agent.C174738 (2016.02.19.09)

15a0e9cd449bce9e37bb1f8693b3c4e0 (scr)
498eda85200257a813dc6731d3324eb6 (scr)
0ddcb876007aee40f0c819ae2381d1b1 (yga.txt)
ccf3fcd6323bcdd09630e69d6ee74197 (yga.txt)
URL & C2

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The post Malware Being Distributed Disguised as a Job Application Letter appeared first on ASEC BLOG.

Article Link: Malware Being Distributed Disguised as a Job Application Letter - ASEC BLOG