IT Pro Tuesday #290

			<div><p>Welcome back to IT Pro Tuesday!</p>

In the latest episode of the Security Swarm Podcast: “Co-Pilot and Misconfigured Permissions – A Looming Threat?,” we explore Microsoft 365 Co-Pilot. This generative-AI tool is embedded within various M365 applications and can execute tasks across different software platforms in seconds. Tune in to learn about some surprising risks that can surface with this productivity powerhouse.

We’re looking for your favorite tips and tools we can share with the community… those that help you do your job better and more easily. Please share your suggestions on the IT Pro Tuesday subreddit, and we’ll be featuring them in the coming weeks.

Now on to this week’s list!

			<div><h2>A Free Tool</h2></div>
			<div><a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">PowerCSR</a> is a Powershell-based GUI that quickly generates a CSR and Private Key file using OpenSSL. Author ReproDev explains, “after banging my head against the wall quite a lot with the command line version freezing or just force closing, I created a tool in Powershell to create the initial CSR and a 2048-bit key… Enter your details for the domain, organisation and the rest, then click Generate CSR”</div>
			<img alt="External Attack Surface Management Attack Surface Summary" height="211" src="" title="PowerCSR" width="300" />
			<div><h2>A Tutorial</h2></div>
			<div><a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Using DHCP to Boot WDS to BIOS &amp; UEFI with SCCM</a> is a tutorial that walks you through a setup that allows the booting of both BIOS and UEFI machines from the same WDS environment. Covers DHCP Policies and Custom Vendor Classes. Thanks for directing us to this one go to Versed_Percepton.</div>
			<img alt="" height="211" src="" title="" width="300" />
			<div><h2>Training Resource</h2></div>
			<div><a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">edureka!</a> is a educational YouTube channel loaded with both quick topical summaries as well as in-depth, instructor-led trainings that can bring you up to speed on a surprisingly broad array of tech subjects. Kindly suggested by Present-Chard.</div>
			<img alt="" height="211" src="" title="" width="300" />
			<div><h2>A Tip</h2></div>
			<div>LordCorgo kindly shares the following: <b><i>Windows 11 will also accept [email protected] with any password</i></b><i> as a bypass to their forced online Microsoft Account.</i></div>
			<div><h2>Another Training Resource</h2></div>
			<div><p><a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Microsoft Azure Administrator</a> is a free, 96-hour course that teaches how to manage your Azure subscriptions, network traffic, and secure identities; administer infrastructure; configure virtual networking; connect Azure and on-prem sites; implement storage solutions, web apps, and containers; and more. Our thanks for this one go to Suspicious-Sky1085.</p></div>
			<img alt="External Attack Surface Management Attack Surface Summary" height="211" src="" title="Exercise" width="300" />
			<div><h2>P.S. Bonus Free Tools</h2></div>
			<div><p><a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Adagios</a> is an intuitive, web-based configuration interface that hides some of the clutter associated with Nagios. It offers a rest interface for both status and config data as well a complete status interface that includes all features, which can be a nice alternative to the standard Nagios web interface. Appreciation for this recommendation goes to Supermop2000.</p>

Vue.js Cheatsheet is a quick reference guide that consolidates the essentials for this open-source JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. You’ll find syntax and a few references that can help you work faster when you’re not super familiar with Vue.js. Kindly suggested by Extradiscipline_644.

		</div><p>Der Beitrag <a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">IT Pro Tuesday #290</a> erschien zuerst auf <a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Hornetsecurity</a>.</p>

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