Introducing The New Sigma Website

From its humble beginnings in 2017, the Sigma project has grown to be one of the most used tools in defensive security and is now used by vendors and thousands of user around the world.

The project in itself has seen multiple updates from the introduction of a new tooling in the form of pySigma to the introduction of a dedicated specification repository that lay the ground of the standard behind what constitute a Sigma rule.

In the past year we’ve also introduced a new VS Code extension that elevates users into writing Sigma rules more easily. And the latest Sigma Search Engine that stemmed from community requests to make it easier to search Sigma rules content.

While to an accustomed or seasoned Sigma user finding about such projects might not be an issue, we know this is quite a challenge for new(er) users.

To help reduce this gap and make everything related to Sigma reside in a central hub, we’re delighted to introduce the new Sigma website.

Explore Sigma

What’s It All About?

As stated above this website will act as the central hub for everything Sigma related. There will no longer be a need to memorize which GitHub repository contains which information. All will be served from this central location.

Main Page

In this initial version, the website will serve as documentation hub, where you’ll find information about the many aspects of Sigma. This includes topics such as field descriptions and modifiers definitions, as well as a resources section that links to different resources that will help you in your journey in learning and understanding Sigma.

Getting Started DocsResource Section

Upcoming Features

In the coming weeks and months further updates will be added to enhance the user experience and the content. Below are a couple of the additions that will be coming soon.

  • Sigma Rules: The website will integrate a sigma rule search and viewer to help user find the many rule based on selected criteria and filters (ATT&CK, rule level, status, etc.)
  • Sigconverter Integration: Sigconverter is the latest project released by the community to convert Sigma rules directly from the Web. The Sigma website will integrate an convert button to send requests directly to sigconverter.
  • Release Packages Download: The newly announced released packages will be downloadable directly from the website.

And many more things coming down the pipe :)


Open source and collaboration is at the heart of Sigma and this website was built in collaboration in mind. Most of the pages are written in Markdown which makes it extremely easy for users to contribute enhancements, fixes or simply propose ideas they have.

Please feel free to open issues and pull requests via the GitHub repository.

GitHub - SigmaHQ/ Main Landing Page of the Sigma Project


We hope this new home for the Sigma project helps newcomers and seasoned user alike in their Sigma journey.

We also want to thank Alex (@sifex) for dedicating the time and offering his help in building the website.

Finally, if you’re interested in regular updates on the Sigma project, please be sure to follow and subscribe to this publication and follow @sigma_hq on Twitter.

Introducing The New Sigma Website was originally published in Sigma_HQ on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Article Link: Introducing The New Sigma Website | by Nasreddine Bencherchali | Sigma_HQ | Oct, 2023 | Medium