With the second week of GSoC gone, in this blog, we bring updates on what has been happening, with news from our mentors and contributors.
Updates from Sebastian, our GSoC admin and mentor
This second week was a little hard on the contributors since both had some exams to do. So we relaxed the amount of work, and they were slowly moving forward. Also, some small illnesses made the work shorter. The plan is still in the beginning, working on the design of the solutions and exploring technologies. So work is moving forward, but we will monitor the tasks and possible roadblocks.
Updates from Daniel, our Slips Performance Contributor
I was finishing up finals this week so it was a little busy but I still got some work done. The main goal for this week was to integrate both live/sampling profiling and deterministic profiling, referred to as "dev mode" in the application. Since the main concern was usability, I created a simple class interface and added settings to the slips.conf file that would allow the users to enable profiling, select output file, and the profiling mode. These settings then get parsed and fed into the CPUProfiler class. The CPU profiler then starts and stops execution depending on which mode was selected. Yappi was used for the live mode profiling and Viztracer was used for dev mode profiling. An issue that arose with Viztracer was that profiling for multiprocessing was too slow. Allowing for multiprocess profiling will be useful so that will be left for next week.
Updates from Shubhangi, our Slips Web UI Contributor
I was sick for most part of the week but when I got back not only did I catch up, but also went ahead to implement a design for the navbar I’ve been working on.
I embedded the documentation and have opened a pull request for the same.
Next on I plan on working on fixing the bugs
Before you go…
Slips has grown quite a lot in the last few years. See all the latest features in the last demo presented at BlackHat Asia 2023 Arsenal.
Article Link: Google Summer of Code Updates from Week #2 — Stratosphere IPS