Ghidra Font Size for Presentations

I'm known for my Ghidra stand-up comedy routines. In order to make them enjoyable for everyone in the room, the font size better be not as tiny as it normally is when you do your day-to-day reverse engineering. There are two places to consider: 1. menus, dialogs, etc. 2. specialized components like the assembly listing view and the decompiler

Font Size Override

The first can be adjusted by editing the file, which is normally located in the support directory within your Ghidra directory (C:\Users\born\Programs\ghidra_11.0.1_PUBLIC\support\ on my machine). Just add the following somewhere in the file to adjust the font size to 23:



In order to adjust the font size in dialogs, I recommend searching the settings dialog (“Edit” -> “Tool Options”) for “font”. By the time of writing this involved the following entries (I use 12 for small and 18 for presentations):

  • Byte Viewer
  • Console
  • Decompiler -> Display
  • Graph -> Program Graph Display Options -> Miscellaneous
  • Listing Display

Article Link: Ghidra Font Size for Presentations – nullteilerfrei