Flare-On 10 Challenge Solutions

flare-on 10 pennant

Our goal this year was to make the most difficult Flare-On challenge we’ve ever produced to celebrate a full decade of contests. At the time of this writing, there were 219 Flare-On finishers out of 4,767 registered users, which makes it the lowest finishing rate we’ve ever had. Truly, only the elite of the elite can claim to be a Flare-On 10 finisher. These lucky few will receive this pennant (design not final).

We would like to thank the challenge authors individually for their great puzzles and solutions.

  1. X - Nick Harbour (@nickharbour)
  2. ItsOnFire - Raymond Leong
  3. Mypassion - Moritz Raabe (@m_r

Article Link: Flare-On 10 Challenge Solutions | Mandiant