F-droid Malware Internals

Static and Dynamic Analysis.

In this blog i will be taking you through the tour of reversing the alleged malware app F-droid.

Analysis: Hammering off “F-droid” app

Static Analysis:-[Basic]

Hash’s of F-droid 1.10
Information about app :
info. of App.
Certificate Info:
Certificate Information shows 2 false signature.
App Permissions:
In image we can see app has access to many malicious permissions.
Obfuscation and Anti-VM Code:
Anti-VM code and Anti-Debug Code used.
Code Analysis:

App logs into the sensitive information, has weak hash’s, sensitive to SQL injection, app files contains hard-coded usernames and passwords, consists of insecure RNG and discloses the IP address.

URLs found during static analysis of app.
Activities Run by App:
Activities found during static analysis of app.
Services run by App:

Dynamic Analysis:-

Urls found during dynamic analysis.

C2 Server:

148[.]251[.]140[.]42 & 217[.]160[.]165[.]113

Communicating Files with C2 Server:

Files cmmunicating with C2 server.


C2 server of F-droid app is hosting many apps that are legit hacking tools malware.

That’s all for today.

Article Link: https://medium.com/@0xthreatintel/f-droid-malware-internals-fefdc6307f05?source=rss-a15183055fd6------2