CyberGate Technical Analysis

Experience Level required: Intermediate


In this report, we will analyze CyberGate, a Delphi malware, to determine its function and capabilities.


According to Subex Secure, CyberGate is a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) that allows an attacker to gain unauthorized access to the victim’s system. Attackers can remotely connect to the compromised system from anywhere around the world. The Malware author generally uses this program to steal private information like passwords, files, etc. It might also be used to install malicious software on the compromised systems.

Basic Analysis

Sample Hash: dbc1e78c7644c07e178acd09bc3b02c230dba253dab5e45e5bcbf4be120a05bc

Let’s get some informations about this sample. I’ll use pestudio

We have some indicators that this sample is packed using UPX Packer

UPX is a file compressor. It reduces the file size of programs and DLLs by around 50%-70%.

The malware authors use that packer to obfuscate and compress their malicious code.

We can unpack this sample by using UPX tool

upx.exe -d C:\Users\M4lcode\Desktop\dbc1e78c7644c07e178acd09bc3b02c230dba253dab5e45e5bcbf4be120a05bc.exe

Note: The packed file will be replaced by the unpacked one

The malware is 32bit and it is written in Delphi

Let’s see if it’s packed or not. I’ll use DIE

The sample is packed, specifically .rsrc section

Before doing the advanced analysis we need to see the sample behaviour in a sandbox, I’ll use and

The processes created by CyberGate:

CyberGate tried to communicate these C2 servers in WIN10 Sandbox

CyberGate creates mutexes to avoid running multiple instances of it at the same time.






Dropped files

CyberGate dropped some files, Let’s take a look on them



This file Contains only a time


### XX--XX--XX.txt

Contains two paths ```C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\dbc1e78c7644c07e178acd09bc3b02c230dba253dab5e45e5bcbf4be120a05bc.exe|c:\dir\install\spynet\server.exe|```
in the first 88 byte, after that there is dump bytes


### logs.dat

Contains 9 bytes with random letters, maybe it is a decrypted string and the malware will use it later with the strings in the two other files


### server.exe

This is the process that the malware injected malicious code in it, we will take a look in it later.

Let's take a fast look at the code of the sample before unpacking it

# Advanced Analysis

## 1st Stage

Let's open the sample in IDA

we have some changes in IDA options

Disable the analysis


in options >> compiler


in options >> general >> analysis


Now we can analyze this sample

### Creating and Checking Mutexes

**sub_403568** function creates a mutex using **CreateMutexA** API



MUTEX: ``` _x_X_UPDATE_X_x_ ```

GetLastError() == 183: Checks if the mutex already exists.

If it does (error code 183), it closes the mutex handle and sleeps for 12 seconds

If it doesn't, it closes the mutex handle.

Next, **sub_403568** creates another mutex


MUTEX: ``` _x_X_PASSWORDLIST_X_x_ ``` 

if the mutex already exists it closes the handle and go to **sub_409AD4**

In the most cases this mutex will not exists, so the malware will jump to **0x0040BFA0** address


The malware will closes the handle and creates another mutex

MUTEX: ``` _x_X_BLOCKMOUSE_X_x_ ```

### Process Injection

In process injection technique, the malware attempts to open a handle of a process either created or already existing in the system's memory.

In **sub_40B7FC** CyberGate tries to find a specific window named (Shell_TrayWnd) to retrieves its process ID, and opens a handle to that process.
But if it's not found it tries to create a new process named (explorer.exe), then call **sub_4040F4** with ProcessInformation, hProcess as parameters


After allocating memory within the created or existing process, the malware fills this memory with the code intended for injection, which contains the malicious instructions.

And that's happens in **sub_4040F4**

The function has loop attempts to allocate virtual memory by using **VirtualAlloc** 

then tries to allocate memory in the process using **VirtualAllocEx**. This loop continues until it successfully allocates memory (v5) or v3 exceeds 0x30000000 bytes.

Then it applies protection attributes to the allocated memory by using **VirtualProtect**

Then it Uses **WriteProcessMemory** to write data to the allocated memory in the target process.


After that the malware executes the injected code by using **CreateRemoteThread** in **sub_4038AC**


### Writing files

The function **sub_405D70** in **sub_40B93C**, creates and writes a file named XX--XX--XX.txt (which we took a look on it before) by using **CreateFileA** and **WriteFile** APIs


Now that's enough let's unpack the sample using unpacme

unpacme [results](


## 1st Sample

Sample Hash:fc50cb7d6cb4f18992363fcba1473464f526d5c574f4bfbdbed9e025a2072bbe

The sample is a dll written in delphi, I'll open in in IDA and I'll do the same thing I did for the parent sample

The dll entry point doesn’t have anything important, so let’s start from StartHttpProxy export

Firewall Evasion

In sub_4302E4 the malware set Root Key to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and attempts to open a series of nested registry keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile\AuthorizedApplications\List . It will created if it does not exist

Then concatenates three strings (v2, “:*:Enabled:”, and “Windows Firewall Update”) into v7

and finally Writes the concatenated string v7 to the registry above, using System__AnsiString as the value name.

“Windows Firewall Update” application has been added to the list of authorized applications. The “*:Enabled:” part typically means that all ports and protocols are enabled for this application, potentially allowing it to communicate freely through the firewall.

Thats mean that the malware maybe run with name “Windows Firewall Update” to evade firewall

Creating Mutex

Then the malware creates a mutex


Let’s go to GetChromePass export

In sub_420C04 the malware assigns the string “SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders” to v8 and assigns the string Local AppData to v7.

Then it:

retrieve a specific value from the Windows Registry under a given key (Local AppData) registry (SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders)

Copies a file from “\Local AppData\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Web Data” to TMP folder

Opens an SQLite database named “\x0FTSQLiteDatabase”

Loops through Database Query Results then Retrieves and processes the password value, username_value, origin_url

Decrypts data (pDataIn) using CryptUnprotectData and stores it in pDataOut

In Mozilla3_5Password export, the malware gets Mozilla’s password

2nd Sample

Let’s go to the second sample

Sample Hash:0722a71d9251b626a8c066963a19fe6db4711227c803afc40402c3a3e0fb51fd

It is the process that the malware injected malicious code in it which named **server.exe** 

So it’s just the parent sample but with removing upx layer

Anyway let’s go to the last sample

3rd Sample

Sample Hash:1fd16ca095f1557cc8848b36633d4c570b10a2be26ec89d8a339c63c150d3b44

### Creating 1st Mutex

First it creates mutex



In sub_14045240

The malware creates and set these registry keys

\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\HKLM = “c:\dir\install\spynet\server.exe”


\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components{H1EWWBPB-334P-45N1-UT28-6F0PHX81A73C}\StubPath = “c:\dir\install\spynet\server.exe Restart”

### Creating 2nd Mutex

Then It creates another mutex


Process Injection

CyberGate creates thread

Get the id of process

Then it uses LookupPrivilegeValueA, “SeDebugPrivilege”

malwares uses SeDebugPrivilege to get access to debug and adjust the memory of processes owned by any user on the system

Get local Time

In sub_14006BD0 it fetches the current local time and stores it in the SystemTime structure.

Checking windows version

In sub_14043A04 >> sub_14043944

The malware checks for Windows version by checking dwMinorVersion

if it is equal to 1 that means that the windows version is:

Windows NT 3.1 or Windows XP or Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2

CyberGate creates 3rd mutex SPY_NET_RATMUTEX

Then the code sets up two threads

After that it creates 4th mutex _x_X_PASSWORDLIST_X_x_

then executes a shell command using ShellExecuteA. If the result of ShellExecuteA is greater than 0x20 (32), the following actions are taken:

  • The program sleeps for 1000 milliseconds (1 second).
  • The mutex handle MutexA_0 is closed using CloseHandle.

The last thing in our malware is this function

The function checks for a Windows message using PeekMessageA. If a message is found and it is not WM_QUIT, the message is translated and dispatched Then it sleeps for 20 milliseconds to avoid busy-waiting and to give other processes some CPU time.

The function returns 1 if a message was processed, otherwise it returns 0.




Hashes: fa7166dc1ce0ea167556d47a16ce8d9cbea652d6cef6b8873c78767ef9485e79 1fd16ca095f1557cc8848b36633d4c570b10a2be26ec89d8a339c63c150d3b44 0722a71d9251b626a8c066963a19fe6db4711227c803afc40402c3a3e0fb51fd fc50cb7d6cb4f18992363fcba1473464f526d5c574f4bfbdbed9e025a2072bbe dbc1e78c7644c07e178acd09bc3b02c230dba253dab5e45e5bcbf4be120a05bc


Files: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\XX–XX–XX.txt C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\logs.dat C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\UuU.uUu c:\dir\install\spynet\server.exe

registry: \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\HKLM = “c:\dir\install\spynet\server.exe”

\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{H1EWWBPB-334P-45N1-UT28-6F0PHX81A73C}\StubPath = "c:\\dir\\install\\spynet\\server.exe Restart"	



Persistence Boot or Logon Autostart Execution T1547  
  Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder T1547.001  
  Active Setup T1547.014  
Privilege Escalation Boot or Logon Autostart Execution T1547  
  Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder T1547.001  
  Active Setup T1547.014  
Defense Evasion Modify Registry T1112  
Discovery System Information Discovery T1082  

Article Link: CyberGate Technical Analysis