CVE-2018-8174 (VBScript Engine) and Exploit Kits

The CVE-2018-8174 is a bug that allows remote code execution in the VBScript Engine. Found exploited in the wild as a 0day via Word documents, announced by the Qihoo360 on April 20, 2018, patched by Microsoft on May 8, 2018 and explained in details by Kaspersky the day after.

A Proof of Concept for Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7 has been shared publicly 3 days ago, it’s now beeing integrated in Browser Exploit Kits.

This will replace CVE-2016-0189 from july 2016 and might shake the Drive-By landscape for the coming months.


Spotted on the 2018-05-25

“TakeThat” wrote yesterday (2018-05-24) that he has integrated it and that infection rate has increased:

Добавлен CVE-2018-8174
Add CVE-2018-8174
Пробив/rate + boom.gif

And indeed today:

Figure 6: RIG launching code exploiting CVE-2018-8174 against IE11 on Windows 7 - 2018-05-25

IOC Type Comment Date IP Redirector 2018-05-23 IP RIG 2018-05-24 IP RIG 2018-05-24 IP RIG 2018-05-24 IP RIG 2018-05-24
vnz[.]bit|104.239.213[.]7 domain|IP Smoke Bot C2 2018-05-25
vnz2107[.]ru|104.239.213[.]7 domain|IP Smoke Bot C2 2018-05-25
92e7cfc803ff73ed14c6bf7384834a09 md5 Smoke Bot 2018-05-25
58648ed843655d63570f8809ec2d6b26 md5 Extracted VBS 2018-05-25

*Files: PCAP on VT


Read More:

The King is dead. Long live the King! - 2018-05-09 - SecureList
Analysis of CVE-2018-8174 VBScript 0day - 2018-05-09 - Qihoo360

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