Creativity Test of GPT’s Story Telling Ability Based on an Image Alone

The iPhone App on Apple’s store using ChatGPT-4 that was previously evaluated here as best in class, AI Smith (aka Chat Bot), recently announced several new features, including one intriguing new ability involving creativity. Review of Open AI’s New iPhone Version App and Three New Third Party Apps for Use of ChatGPT-4. AI Smith claimed it could now write a “fascinating story” based on submission of a picture alone. This is not something you can do on ChatGPT without this phone application. So tests followed to continue research on the creativity of Generative AI. Creativity and How Anyone Can Adjust ChatGPT’s Creativity Settings To Limit Its Mistakes and Hallucinations.

After the image was uploaded to AI Smith, a very interesting 429 word story was immediately created.

Note how the story incorporates many details from the image. Did you find it interesting as promised? Here is the “movie” version, created using Python coding abilities of ChatGPT-4, which is not something that AI Smith can do, yet. Plus use of the impressive zoom-out features of Midjourney with a little Photoshop and iMovie work, an example of hybrid multimodal.

The research concludes with a new request of AI Smith to create a story based on the final zoom out screen. This was a new chat so there was no carryover memory of the last image or story. Here is the result. It was a slightly longer story this time, 534 words. Interesting coincidence, I suppose, that AI Smith chose a justice, investigatory theme by an e-discovery team of hackers. Could just be a prejudice on my part, but seems to me to be like another “fascinating story” as promised.

Article Link: Creativity Test of GPT’s Story Telling Ability Based on an Image Alone | e-Discovery Team