Executive summary
Binary diffing, a technique for comparing binaries, can be a powerful tool to facilitate malware analysis and perform malware family attribution. This blog post describes how AT&T Alien Labs is leveraging binary diffing and code analysis to reduce reverse-engineering time and generate threat intelligence.
Using binary diffing for analysis is particularly effective in the IoT malware world, as most malware threats are variants of open-source malware families produced by a wide range of threat actors. Generating and maintaining static signatures for variations on IoT malware is tedious, as the assembly code often changes across variants and architectures and text strings are subject to modification. For this reason, AT&T Alien Labs created a new open-source tool, r2diaphora, to port Diaphora as a plugin for Radare2, and included some use cases in this blog.
What is binary diffing?
Binary diffing (or program diffing) is a…
Posted by: Fernando Dominguez |
Article Link: Code similarity analysis with r2diaphora | AT&T Alien Labs