Breaking Boundaries: Investigating Vulnerable Drivers and Mitigating Risks

Research by: Jiri Vinopal

Have you ever wondered why there are so many vulnerable drivers and what might be causing them to be vulnerable? Do you want to understand why some drivers are prone to crossing security boundaries and how we can stop that?

Vulnerable drivers not only put the system where they are installed at risk, but they can also be carried by malware as standalone components and then abused for their operations (which is called BYOVD – Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver). That’s why it is especially alarming that the number of observed vulnerable drivers keeps increasing steadily every week, with several new vulnerabilities being discovered regularly. To address this issue, Check Point Research conducted an in-depth analysis focusing on the main causes of vulnerability.

This publication presents the findings of our research, which reveal that the majority of known vulnerable drivers share certain characteristics. Interestingly, these vulnerabilities are often not complex and can easily be addressed. Using the same methodology, we conducted a mass hunt for new drivers that may be vulnerable, uncovering thousands of potentially at-risk drivers. Additionally, we examine how drivers of well-known security products are attempting to mitigate abuse and provide a practical demonstration of how we were able to exploit chained vulnerabilities in one such product to bypass security measures and gain kernel privileges.

By demonstrating the practical vulnerability of a well-known security product, we underscore the fundamental idea that if a design flaw exists within the driver itself, it is only a matter of time and attacker ingenuity before security mechanisms are bypassed.


Although the subject of vulnerable drivers has been around for a while, it has gained more attention from both vulnerability researchers and attackers in recent years. One potential reason for this is Microsoft´s effort to continuously evolve and improve Windows security to protect the kernel´s boundary.

From the attackers´ perspective, gaining kernel privileges is very often a crucial step towards owning the system. As it becomes harder to cross the security boundary (user-mode → kernel-mode) in a conventional way, driver exploitation has become their prioritized approach, both with traditional exploit primitives and abuse of legitimate driver functionalities.

There are a lot of reasons why attackers are abusing vulnerable Windows drivers. Exploiting drivers offers them interesting perspectives to reach certain capabilities usually not available from user-mode, such as:

  • Rootkits – usually for hiding the malware strain on the compromised system for as long as possible and ensuring persistence.
  • Minifilter drivers – intercepting I/O operations by registering pre/post operation callback routines. Malware mostly uses an “active” minifilter to modify original I/O operations requests and results, but it can also be used passively to monitor the system.
  • Elevation of Privilege (EoP) – attackers can leverage the BYOVD (Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver) technique to reach EoP, but they need to already have the privilege to load the vulnerable driver. They can also abuse known/unknown vulnerabilities in certain already installed/loaded drivers to cross the security boundary (user-mode → kernel-mode).
  • Disabling/Killing EDR – many techniques and projects have been introduced to abuse legitimate functionalities of vulnerable drivers to disable/kill EDR or other PP/PPL processes (e.g., via process termination, process suspending, thread suspending, closing all process objects, etc.).
  • Loading unsigned malicious drivers, bypassing the driver signature enforcement.

Projects such as LOLDrivers have significantly increased the popularity of vulnerable drivers. Even though the purpose of such projects is strictly focused on defensive measures, the existence of a huge, regularly updated database of vulnerable drivers also opens the space for offensive operations: there is nothing easier for attackers than to wait for the latest contributions and start the race with security companies to abuse the newly added vulnerable driver sooner than protections are properly applied.

The fact that there are so many known vulnerable drivers accumulating in one publicly accessible place should raise questions such as:

  • Why are there so many vulnerable drivers, and what might be causing them to be vulnerable?
  • Why are some drivers prone to crossing security boundaries?
  • Do the vulnerable drivers have something in common, and if so can we address it for mitigation?

This publication aims to answer the aforementioned questions and presents our research findings, focusing on vulnerable Windows drivers (WDM). We reveal that the majority of known vulnerable drivers share certain characteristics, and that these vulnerabilities are often not complex and can easily be addressed.

We also describe our hunt for new drivers that may be vulnerable, in which we uncovered thousands that were potentially at risk, and examine how the drivers of popular security products attempt to mitigate abuse, providing a demonstration of how we were able to exploit chained vulnerabilities in one such product to bypass security measures and gain kernel privileges.

Background & Key Findings

In recent years, a lot of research has been conducted relating to vulnerable Windows drivers. Focusing only on the research that targeted vulnerable drivers in general (avoiding in-the-wild APT/malware-related abuse of vulnerable drivers), the majority has primarily been educational. Such works have mostly provided either some 101 steps for reverse engineering Windows drivers or a detailed analysis of an example vulnerable driver with the creation of PoC.

Those that stand out, contributing to the community with some unique approach for mass hunting of vulnerable Windows drivers, have mostly focused on logical bugs via abusing drivers´ functionalities in relation to physical memory mapping of low-level APIs (kernel functions such as MmMapIoSpace/MmMapIoSpaceEx), e.g., VMware – Hunting Vulnerable Kernel Drivers.

Despite thousands of initially detected Windows drivers that use these memory mapping low-level APIs, only a handful of them survived further filtering, where the crucial moment was mainly in manual verification and finding out that only a privileged user (Administrator, System) can initiate the communication with those drivers. Because of that, even though the bug existed in those drivers, it could not be considered a vulnerability as there is no crossing of security boundary (Administrator → Kernel).

The crossing of security boundary is the main aspect that plays a crucial role when it comes to a decision as to whether a certain bug can be submitted as a vulnerability. The table below summarizes the crossing of security boundaries and is simplified for our needs:

InitialElevatedCrossing Security Boundary
Non-privileged UserSystemYes
Non-privileged UserAdministratorYes
ServiceSystemYes/No, it depends

There are rare cases where even an elevation Administrator → Kernel can be considered to be crossing a security boundary with an assigned vulnerability when it is actively being exploited as a zero-day in the wild (e.g., CVE-2024-21338).

Even though the decision regarding security boundaries can sometimes be confusing, when it comes to vulnerable drivers, the straightforward boundary between non-privileged users and the system is the one we should target and cross.

The main idea behind this research is to carry out mass hunting for vulnerable drivers in a slightly different way. First, we need to always be sure that we are crossing the security boundary, or in other words, that we can communicate with the driver as a non-privileged user. The DACL (Discretionary Access Control List), which is a part of SDDL (Security Descriptor Definition Language) applied on the driver´s device, is the first thing that matters.

Even when we find such drivers accessible by non-privileged users, it does not necessarily mean that they can be considered vulnerable. They need to be further filtered out by searching for certain capabilities of their legitimate functionalities that can potentially be abused to commit privileged operations, in the “best” scenario leading to LPE (Local Privilege Escalation).

Vulnerable Drivers – What Do They Have in Common?

When it comes to a publicly available database of known-to-be-vulnerable Windows drivers that can easily be processed, there is no better place than the LOLDrivers project. If we focus only on those drivers in the database that are known-to-be-vulnerable (avoiding those that are known-to-be-malicious) and further filter those that are 64-bit and signed (with the YARA rule provided below), we get 924 drivers that can serve as a starting point for our investigation.

import "pe"

rule signed_driver_64bit
        description = "Detects 64-bit signed drivers"
        author = "Jiri Vinopal @ Check Point Research"
        // Detect PE
        uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and uint16(uint32(0x3c)) == 0x4550 and
        // Detect 64-bit Windows drivers
        uint16(uint32(0x3C) + 0x5c) == 0x0001 and uint16(uint32(0x3C) + 0x18) == 0x020b and
        // Detect only signed drivers, not a real verification
        (pe.number_of_signatures > 0 and for all i in ( -1):
            (pe.signatures[i].verified and not pe.signatures[i].subject contains "WDKTestCert"))

After the initial analysis, we can quickly get to the main point of interest. Approximately 90% of those 924 drivers are accessible by non-privileged users (detected by a YARA rule similar to the one included in the “Mass Hunt for Not-Known-To-Be-Vulnerable Drivers” section), and as such, they are prone to crossing the security boundary (non-privileged user → system), where any of their capabilities that can be abused to commit privileged operations make them vulnerable.

Focusing on those 90% of drivers prone to cross the security boundary (accessible by non-privileged users), we can immediately get an overview of typical design flaws that repeatedly occur in their code:

  1. Creating devices with no DACL (part of SDDL) via the IoCreateDevice function. Unfortunately, the IoCreateDevice function does not allow DACL to be specified. As a result, the developers must define it either directly in the registry or via the configuration file (INF AddReg directive). If they fail to do so, any user can access the device.
Figure 1: Example vulnerable driver – IoCreateDevice (no DACL)
  1. Creating devices with a weak DACL using the IoCreateDeviceSecure function. The function IoCreateDeviceSecure allows DACL to be specified, and as such, it is considered more secure. Still, if a weak DACL is applied, the created device can be accessible by less privileged users.
Figure 2: Example vulnerable driver – IoCreateDeviceSecure (weak DACL)
  1. Creating devices with a strong DACL using the IoCreateDeviceSecure function but without the FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN flag (value 0x00000100), which is part of the device characteristics. If the DeviceCharacteristics does not have the flag set, the same security settings are not applied to the whole device´s namespace. Every device has its own namespace, where names in the namespace are paths that begin with the device´s name. For a device named \Device\DeviceName, its namespace consists of any name of the form \Device\DeviceName\anyfile. The lack of the FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN flag can be abused to obtain a full access handle to the device itself, even by a non-privileged user, because the strong DACL is not propagated to the namespace, e.g., opening a handle to \Device\DeviceName\anyfile will return a handle for the device itself \Device\DeviceName.
Figure 3: Example vulnerable driver – IoCreateDeviceSecure (strong DACL, no FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN)

As we revealed above, the crucial condition when the driver can be considered vulnerable begins with its ability to cross security boundaries, rather than the bug itself. In other words, hunting for non-privileged user-accessible drivers can be used as an interesting starting point to mass hunt for new, not-known-to-be-vulnerable drivers. In general, we must initially focus only on those Windows drivers that are either not explicit enough about the DACL (no/weak DACL) or on those that are using a strong DACL with a combination of not presented FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN device characteristics flag.

Even though some products using drivers without a directly applied DACL (in-code) can set the DACL during installation, in the appropriate registry, or via the INF configuration file, these drivers can still be abused using the BYOVD technique.

Furthermore, non-privileged user-accessible drivers cannot be considered as vulnerable in general, rather only those that also combine this design flaw with a demonstrable abuse of their capabilities to reach some privileged operations.

Mass Hunt for Not-Known-To-Be-Vulnerable Drivers

As we described in the previous section, the crucial condition when the driver can be considered vulnerable begins not with the bug itself but with its ability to cross security boundaries. Therefore, we start our mass hunting for new potentially vulnerable drivers by putting together the common design flaws that lead to non-privileged user-accessible drivers. We created a general methodology describing the main steps we followed during the hunting process.

General Methodology:

  1. The initial creation of the YARA rule to find new potentially vulnerable drivers (non-restricted access, non-privileged users can communicate with).
  2. Enriching the YARA rule with common driver capabilities (usage of certain kernel functions) that can be abused to reach some privileged operation.
  3. Further improving the created YARA rule and using it with VT Retrohunt.
  4. Filtering valid-signed 64-bit drivers.
  5. De-duplication of found drivers.
  6. Reverse engineering and verifying the driver vulnerability (there can be a variety of impacts, but we should primarily target the EoP).
  7. PoC creation for the found vulnerability.
  8. Description of the vulnerability and reporting to vendor.

Initially, we put together a YARA rule and used the VirusTotal Retrohunt service to mass hunt for 64-bit signed drivers accessible by non-privileged users. This YARA rule targeted those drivers that are either not using the DACL (e.g., direct usage of IoCreateDevice) or using a weak one (e.g., usage of IoCreateDeviceSecure with a weak DACL). Note that using this YARA rule to hunt for new potentially vulnerable drivers, we avoid the detection of those drivers that are already a part of the LOLDrivers project.

We enriched the YARA rule with a list of common driver capabilities (usage of certain kernel APIs, e.g., ZwOpenProcessZwOpenThreadZwOpenProcessTokenEx, etc.) that can be abused to reach some privileged operation, potentially leading to LPE and other vulnerabilities. This served us to be more strict about the detected drivers regarding their potential abuse, focusing only on the rich-featured ones.

import "pe"
import "hash"

rule susp_risk_vuln_driver
        description = "Detects new potentially vulnerable (at-risk) 64-bit signed drivers with easy-to-abuse capabilities, loldrivers excluded"
        author = "Jiri Vinopal @ Check Point Research"
        $IoCreateDevice = "IoCreateDevice" ascii wide
        $IoCreateDeviceSecure = "IoCreateDeviceSecure" ascii wide
        $api_capa_a1 = "ObCloseHandle" ascii wide
        $api_capa_a2 = "ZwTerminateProcess" ascii wide
        $api_capa_a3 = "ZwSuspendthread" ascii wide
        $api_capa_a4 = "ZwOpenProcess" ascii wide
        $api_capa_a5 = "ZwOpenThread" ascii wide
        $api_capa_a6 = "ZwOpenProcessTokenEx" ascii wide
        $api_capa_a7 = "ZwAdjustPrivilegesToken" ascii wide
        $api_capa_a8 = "ZwDeleteFile" ascii wide
        $api_capa_b1 = "ZwCreateFile" ascii wide
        $api_capa_b2 = "IoCreateFile" ascii wide
        $api_capa_b3 = "ZwOpenSymbolicLinkObject" ascii wide
        $api_capa_b4 = "ZwDeleteKey" ascii wide
        $api_capa_b5 = "MmSystemRangeStart" ascii wide
        $api_capa_b6 = "ProbeForRead" ascii wide
        $api_capa_b7 = "ProbeForWrite" ascii wide
        $api_capa_b8 = "MmMapIoSpace" ascii wide
        $api_capa_b9 = "ZwMapViewOfSection" ascii wide
        $api_capa_b10 = "IoAllocateMdl" ascii wide
        $dacl1 = "(A;;GRGW;;;WD)" ascii wide
        $dacl2 = "(A;;GWGR;;;WD)" ascii wide
        $dacl3 = "(A;;GA;;;WD)" ascii wide
        $dacl4 = "(A;;GRGW;;;BU)" ascii wide
        $dacl5 = "(A;;GWGR;;;BU)" ascii wide
        $dacl6 = "(A;;GA;;;BU)" ascii wide
        $dacl7 = "(A;;GRGW;;;AU)" ascii wide
        $dacl8 = "(A;;GWGR;;;AU)" ascii wide
        $dacl9 = "(A;;GA;;;AU)" ascii wide
        // Detect PE
        uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and uint16(uint32(0x3c)) == 0x4550 and
        // Detect 64-bit Windows drivers
        uint16(uint32(0x3C) + 0x5c) == 0x0001 and uint16(uint32(0x3C) + 0x18) == 0x020b and
        (($IoCreateDevice and not $IoCreateDeviceSecure) or ($IoCreateDeviceSecure and any of ($dacl*))) and
        (2 of ($api_capa_a*) or 6 of ($api_capa_b*)) and
        (pe.number_of_signatures > 0 and for all i in ( -1):
            (pe.signatures[i].verified and not pe.signatures[i].subject contains "WDKTestCert")) and
        not (
            // Exclude all LOLDrivers ""
            hash.md5(0, filesize) == "003dc41d148ec3286dc7df404ba3f2aa" or
            hash.md5(0, filesize) == "0067c788e1cb174f008c325ebde56c22" or

This YARA rule was further improved to cover scenarios such as using IoCreateDeviceSecure with a strong DACL but without the FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN flag, which is part of the device characteristics (the same security settings are not applied to the whole device´s namespace).

The detected drivers were further processed to eliminate those whose signatures caused verification errors (using Sigcheck and SignTool) or explicitly set a strong DACL (SDDL) in the configuration file (INF AddReg directive) – despite the fact they can still be used in BYOVD scenarios. Duplicates of the same driver (different versions) were filtered out with mass processing of the PE version information and with the imphash comparison.

Our primary tool for this was the Sigcheck utility as it enables the mass processing of the detected drivers, providing all information needed for further post-processing (signature verification + revocation status, imphash, PE version info) in CSV file format.

.\sigcheck64.exe -c -h -nobanner -w output.csv .\drivers\

Still, the SignTool utility is helpful for further signature verification by using the x64 kernel-mode driver signing policy.

.\signtool.exe verify /kp .\drivers\driver.sys

The resulting CSV output with all the necessary information was visualized and post-processed using the Timeline Explorer tool, which helps to quickly filter, sort, and group information as needed.

Figure 4: Using the Timeline Explorer tool for post-processing the
detected drivers´ information.Figure 4: Using the Timeline Explorer tool for post-processing the detected drivers´ information.

Hunting Results:

The above-described YARA rule was first used against the up-to-date LOLDrivers database. As of June 2024, this database contains more than 1,800 Windows drivers (both known-malicious and known-vulnerable drivers), of which 924 are 64-bit, signed drivers belonging to the known-to-be-vulnerable group. Using the YARA rule, we were able to confirm that 90% of those 924 drivers are accessible by non-privileged users, and approximately 20% passed through the more strict rule, filtering only those containing easy-to-abuse capabilities (kernel functions).

This relatively strict YARA rule (detecting non-privileged user-accessible, 64-bit, signed drivers containing easy-to-abuse capabilities, avoiding LOLDrivers) was used with VT Retrohunt over a one-year period from June 2023 to June 2024, resulting in the initial detection of about 22.5k Windows at-risk drivers.

Further post-processing of those 22.5k drivers resulted in 4.4k of them passing through signature verification, where approximately 1.9k of them survived the de-duplication process (via PE version information and imphash comparison).

Even if the driver is initially detected by the created YARA rule and passes through all the processing, it does not necessarily indicate that the driver is vulnerable. Only if we can abuse the driver’s capabilities to perform some privileged operation can it be considered vulnerable. This requires manual verification (reverse engineering with IDA or a similar disassembler) and the creation of a PoC. Despite the time-consuming procedure, which is barely possible to perform reliably on 1.9k drivers (and impractical for this research), our initial examination of a few dozen detected drivers revealed new vulnerabilities, which we responsibly reported. Due to the high number of potentially vulnerable drivers, we shared our findings to aid in mitigation, including an example to underline our results.

Practical Demonstration

One of the newly discovered vulnerable drivers, which we responsibly reported, was an anti-rootkit module used by Dr.Web products. The reported vulnerability was patched, and the public disclosure tracked under the BDU:2024-02836 was assigned a high severity 8.8 base score (CVSS 3.0). The assigning of an industry-standard CVE identifier to this vulnerability is currently in progress (June 2024).

The vulnerable component of Dr.Web products is a 64-bit, valid-signed Windows kernel device driver. Unfortunately, this driver has no name and description, but it is usually dropped to disk with a name, e.g., “dwt-6088-1976-26975aba.sys” or “dwt-2444-2348-9cc4e5df.sys”.

Figure 5: Vulnerable component of Dr.Web products.Figure 5: Vulnerable component of Dr.Web products.

The original “pdb” path still reveals the name “dwshield_x64.pdb” (dwshield.sys).

Figure 6: The original “pdb” path revealing the name
“dwshield_x64.pdb”.Figure 6: The original “pdb” path revealing the name “dwshield_x64.pdb”.

We have found several vulnerable versions of this driver:

MD5 HashSHA-256 Hash

Among the affected Dr.Web products that were confirmed to be exploitable are Dr.Web Security SpaceDr.Web KATANA, and Dr.Web CureIt, where in all cases, the vulnerability in the driver component leads to local privilege escalation (LPE), arbitrary read/write kernel/user mode access and arbitrary process termination.

Vulnerability description:

The vulnerable driver does not explicitly specify the DACL (non-privileged user access allowed) for the created device (using the IoCreateDevice function) but implements different protection mechanisms to restrict access to the driver´s device. All these protections can be bypassed.

The driver creates a device with an auto-generated name but also sets up a symbolic link (using IoCreateSymbolicLink) with a randomly generated name (different on each driver load) that can be used to obtain a handle to the device from user-mode. As the device´s symlink name is always quite unique and rare (a 16-character hexadecimal string, e.g., 46ed8954975a9788), it can be brute-forced by enumerating all symlink names (via QueryDosDeviceA) and finding the desired one.

The driver implements a digital signature check of the process that tries to obtain a handle for the driver´s device. To bypass this protection, we need to impersonate some of the Dr.Web components that are valid-signed and allowed to communicate with the driver. Usually, code-injection techniques can be used to achieve this, but as our target is a security product that successfully blocks the majority of them, we need to come up with a different solution.

Digging deeper, we were able to find DLL side-loading vulnerabilities in a few Dr.Web components that are allowed to communicate with the driver (valid-signed) and used them to bypass the digital signature protection mechanism:

Dr.Web ComponentSHA-256 HashSide-Loaded DLL

This way, we were able to bypass the driver´s access restrictions and proceed with different IOCTLs that led to LPE, arbitrary RW kernel/user mode access, and arbitrary process termination.

0x22E076Arbitrary Kernel/User Mode Memory Read
0x22E078Arbitrary Kernel/User Mode Memory Write
0x22E044Obtaining Arbitrary Full Access Process Token Handle
0x22E024Obtaining Arbitrary Full Access Process Handle
0x22E034Obtaining Arbitrary Full Access Thread Handle
0x22A02CArbitrary Process Termination

The main product, Dr.Web Security Space, is a full-featured antivirus and implements another protection to restrict access to the vulnerable driver.

First of all, the installed components are different and no longer vulnerable to DLL side-loading. Still, we can bypass the digital signature check by deploying a different vulnerable version of dwservice.exe (copied from the Dr.Web KATANA product) and using it to side-load the wldp.dll (or a combination of spideragent.exe + uxtheme.dll).

Another protection mechanism added by Dr.Web Security Space is “module caching”. DLLs that Dr.Web components can load are verified if they are signed by trusted authorities and added to the “module cache”. The Dr.Web filter driver monitors changes to these files in the cache. However, we were able to bypass this protection by finding a bug in the filter driver logic that monitors the changes to files already in the module cache and, as a result, skipping the verification.

By running the Dr.Web component vulnerable to DLL side-loading (dwservice.exe) to side-load an original valid-signed DLL (wldp.dll) from the user-accessible location, the DLL is successfully verified and put into the module cache. Deleting the original signed DLL and moving our custom implanted DLL (with the same name, wldp.dll) to the same location will not result in a new file creation or data changes that the Dr.Web filter driver actively monitors (note, it is important to move the custom implanted DLL and not copy it because of different system behavior – only the NTFS metadata change). The second execution of the vulnerable component side-loads our custom implanted DLL, skipping the verification and, with that, bypassing the protection.

By chaining all of the above-mentioned vulnerabilities, we were able to reach the LPE even in Dr.Web Security Space.

Figure 7: PoC – LPE in the “Dr.Web Security Space” product (video).

The core of the vulnerability in the Dr.Web anti-rootkit driver is not as complex as the implemented above-mentioned protection mechanisms and can easily be addressed. Using the more secure kernel function IoCreateDeviceSecure allows explicit setting of a strong DACL that can be used to restrict the device access to only high-privileged accounts (Administrator, System). Specifying the FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN device characteristic ensures the propagation of DACL to the whole device namespace. The last step is the repairing of the bug in the Dr.Web filter driver logic responsible for the reliability of the module caching protection.

Mitigation & Remediation

Following all that has been described in previous sections, it is obvious that crossing the security boundary is the main aspect when it comes to deciding whether a certain driver´s bug can be considered a vulnerability. The combination of a non-privileged user-accessible driver with a demonstrable abuse of its capabilities to commit some privileged operations makes the driver vulnerable.

Whenever access to the driver is allowed, even for non-privileged users, the developers must be absolutely sure that none of its functionalities that can be used to reach some privileged operation are exposed to them. This can be very problematic in a lot of cases as already the idea behind the need to have a kernel module comes from the requirement of certain functionality that can be reached only from the kernel. Once this functionality is exposed to other user-mode components of certain products, it can also be abused by others in a way that is certainly out of the developer´s initial intention.

It can be relatively easy to track the driver´s user-mode accessible functionalities from its first release, but it gets harder as time passes and new versions of the driver are released, enriching the driver with other capabilities and functionalities. As we already proved, in many cases, the accessibility restriction is lost in time and, sooner or later, some of the latest added user-mode-exposed functionality is abused.

To address this issue, there are a few relatively simple steps that can be taken to remediate the resulting vulnerability:

  1. Always ensure that none of the driver´s functionalities that allow privileged operations are exposed to a non-privileged user.
  2. Use the “secure” version of the function to create the driver´s device IoCreateDeviceSecure instead of the “non-secure” IoCreateDevice and combine it with a strong DACL (SDDL) to restrict the access only to high-privileged accounts (Administrator, System), e.g., D:P(A;;GA;;;SY)(A;;GA;;;BA). Usually, whenever developers follow best practices, certain product components that are allowed to communicate with the driver are already running under the System service, so there is no need to expose the accessibility to a non-privileged user.
  3. The previous step can be replaced by defining the DACL either directly in the registry or via the configuration file (INF AddReg directive).
  4. Whenever a certain driver´s device is being created, and it is possible to do so, be explicit about the device characteristics and set the FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN flag. This ensures the propagation of DACL to the whole device namespace.

Going through some of the newly detected 1.9k drivers accessible by non-privileged users, we quickly noticed that those that usually belong to well-known security products attempt to mitigate potential abuse with custom protection mechanisms. We examined the common techniques used by such products, which, in most cases, served primarily as an added accessibility restriction.

Even though the implemented custom protections complicate the driver´s exploitation of the fundamental design flaw in its accessibility, in general, it is merely an obstacle that can be overcome with some ingenuity.

The table below shows some of the most common mitigation techniques usually implemented by security products, together with their example bypasses.

Security Product MitigationExample Bypass
Digital signature check of the process´ main moduleCode injection techniques, DLL side-loading
Using proprietary, undocumented structures for the IOCTL input and client registrationReverse engineering the data structure
PID/TID registrationReverse engineering the registration procedure and finding the logic flaw
First-only registrationRace condition
Randomly generated device/symbolic link nameBrute-force
IOCTL code sorting via required access permissions (default, only a developer design)Abusing read-only permission to commit write operation
High-privilege check
Encoding of the IOCTL codes and transferred dataReverse engineering the encoding logic

As the implementation of custom protections that should mitigate the potential abuse of the driver´s accessibility appears to be less effective than it should be, we are left with remediation. Unfortunately, even though we remediate the driver´s vulnerability (crossing the security boundary) with its access restriction, this driver (”not vulnerable”) still features some of the kernel-restricted capabilities that can possibly be abused using the BYOVD technique.

The other problematic area is what actually happens with a reported vulnerable driver. In the best scenario, the vulnerability is patched (typically just by setting the DACL, rejecting non-privileged users´ requests), the certificate is revoked (not so often), and a new version of the driver is released. However, as Microsoft Windows allows the loading of kernel drivers with signatures whose certificates have expired or been revoked, there is no real obstacle to prevent attackers from continuing to abuse the reported vulnerable driver.

One promising protection available since the Windows 11 2022 update is the Microsoft vulnerable driver blocklist. The vulnerable drivers are blocked by default when using Hypervisor-Protected Code Integrity (HVCI). However, this approach is only effective if the vulnerable driver is known in advance and part of the blocklist. Note that the blocklist is typically updated 1-2 times per year.

Furthermore, not all drivers identified as vulnerable in the LOLDrivers project are included in Microsoft´s vulnerable driver blocklist. Once a vulnerable driver is publicly disclosed, it is very likely to be added quickly to the LOLDrivers database. Even if Microsoft decides to include such a driver in its blocklist, attackers have a window of at least six months to exploit it before the blocklist is updated.

It appears that a more comprehensive solution is needed to protect against vulnerable drivers and their exploitation. Preventing the loading of drivers signed with revoked or expired certificates and using Microsoft´s vulnerable driver blocklist would be far more effective than relying solely on the blocklist.

Unfortunately, it is not feasible to block drivers with expired or revoked certificates during the boot process due to several challenges. First, checking the revocation status requires a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) verification, which depends on network access. However, the network is typically unavailable during the boot process when kernel drivers are loaded. Additionally, concerns around performance and backward compatibility further complicate the immediate implementation of such a solution.


This publication presented the findings of our research, focusing on the vulnerable Windows drivers. We revealed that the majority of known vulnerable drivers share some of the most common design flaws, resulting in non-restricted access, even for the non-privileged user. The crucial condition when the driver can be considered vulnerable begins not with the bug itself but with its ability to cross security boundaries. In other words, the combination of a non-privileged user-accessible driver with a demonstrable abuse of its capabilities to commit some privileged operations is what makes the driver vulnerable. These vulnerabilities are often not complex and can easily be addressed just by properly restricting the access to the driver´s device (setting a strong DACL) and propagating the same restriction to the whole device namespace.

Using the same methodology, we put together the common design flaws that lead to non-privileged user-accessible drivers and created a YARA rule to conduct a mass hunt for new drivers that may be vulnerable, uncovering thousands of potentially at-risk drivers.

Additionally, we examined how some of the newly detected at-risk drivers that belong to well-known security products attempt to mitigate abuse and provided some simple common bypasses that underline the non-effectiveness of the implemented mitigations.

By demonstrating the practical vulnerability of a well-known security product, we underscore the fundamental idea that if a design flaw exists within the driver itself, it is only a matter of time and attacker ingenuity before security mechanisms are bypassed.

A more comprehensive solution is needed to protect against vulnerable drivers and their exploitation. Preventing the loading of drivers signed with revoked or expired certificates and using Microsoft´s vulnerable driver blocklist would be far more effective than relying solely on the blocklist.

Such a solution is unlikely to be implemented soon. Therefore, we can expect that threat actors will continue to exploit both known and yet-to-be-discovered vulnerable drivers, and we should keep monitoring this issue.



WDM Drivers:

WDM Drivers:

VMware – Hunting Vulnerable Kernel Drivers:

Security Boundaries:


SDDL for Device Objects:

Applying Security Descriptors on the Device Object:


VirusTotal Retrohunt:

Device characteristics:



INF AddReg directive:



Finding Bugs in Windows Drivers, Part 1 – WDM:

Timeline Explorer:!


Dr.Web BDU:2024-02836:

Dr.Web Security Space:


Dr.Web CureIt:

Microsoft vulnerable driver blocklist:

Hypervisor-Protected Code Integrity (HVCI):

The post Breaking Boundaries: Investigating Vulnerable Drivers and Mitigating Risks appeared first on Check Point Research.

Article Link: Breaking Boundaries: Investigating Vulnerable Drivers and Mitigating Risks - Check Point Research