We are thrilled to announce that our student, Muris Sladić, won the Best Short Paper Award at the 3rd Workshop on Active Defense and Deception (AD&D) last week. The workshop took place in Vienna, as part of the EURO S&P Annual conference.
<img alt="" height="1200" src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a01100f692ebe0459a1859f/f96197e1-06d9-4aab-a266-836c0908f418/IMG-20240709-WA0009.jpg?format=1000w" width="1600" />
<p>Emmanouil Vasilomanolakis, Technical University of Denmark (left); Muris Sladić, Czech Technical University in Prague (center); Sebastian Garcia, Czech Technical University in Prague (right)</p>
AD&D brings together researchers and practitioners from diverse backgrounds to discuss innovative approaches to enhance security through proactive and deceptive strategies.
Muris presented his paper ‘LLM in the Shell: Generative Honeypots’, co-authored with Carlos Catania, Sebastian Garcia and Veronica Valeros. This paper is part of a larger work in deception honeypots using Large Language Models as part of his master thesis which he successfully defended on June 2023.
Article Link: Best Short Paper Award at AD&D Workshop EURO S&P! — Stratosphere IPS