APWG Report Reveals Increased Exploitation of Free Hosting Providers

The Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) has released the Phishing Activity Trends Report for the first half of 2017. APWG  utilizes  reported phishing attacks from multiple data sources to track, analyze, and report on fraud resulting  from phishing, crimeware, and email spoofing.  The report reveals frequent targeting in Payment, Financial, and Webmail sectors, as well as a rise in phishing attacks that utilize website builders and free hosting providers. 

Crane Hassold, Manager of Threat Intelligence at PhishLabs, noted in the report that hosting providers that offer free hosting and free  website-building tools provide criminals with opportunities. “These free hosts are not only easy and cheap to use, but they also allow threat actors to create subdomains spoofing a targeted brand, resulting in a more legitimate-looking phishing site. Free hosts also afford phishers additional anonymity, because these services do not make registrant information easily available.”

View the full report here: http://docs.apwg.org/reports/apwg_trends_report_q4_2016.pdf

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Article Link: https://info.phishlabs.com/blog/apwg-report-reveals-increased-exploitation-of-free-hosting-providers