Even before Russian tanks began rolling across Ukraine’s borders on February 24, the cyber war on the country had begun. In the days before the kinetic war began, a string of attacks battered Ukrainian government, defense and civil society websites and networks. Among them: massive denial of service attacks and targeted malware attacks.
We’re still very much in the “fog of war,” and cyber attacks are ongoing. But it's not too early to start looking at what we’ve seen and drawing some conclusions. And what we’ve seen so far suggests both that the malware attacks against Ukraine were planned well in advance of the start of the kinetic attacks - and also that the attackers (most likely the Russian government or Russian government linked groups) worked in some haste as they readied new threats to use in the theater of battle.
Here’s what we know so far, based on reports from third parties and intelligence from our own Titanium platform.
Article Link: Wiper Malware Targeting Ukraine: Evidence of Planning, and Haste