Update: tcp-honeypot.py Version 0.0.7

This new version of tcp-honeypot.py, a simple TCP honeypot and listener, brings TCP_ECHO and option -f as new features.

TCP_ECHO can be used to send back any incoming data (echo). Like this:

dListeners = {4444: {THP_LOOP: 10,THP_ECHO: None,},}

TCP_ECHO also takes a function, which’s goal is to transform the incoming data and return it. Here is an example with a lambda function that converts all lowercase letters to uppercase:

dListeners = {4444: {THP_LOOP: 10,THP_ECHO: lambda x: x.upper(),},}

If persistence is required across function calls, a custom class can also be provide. This class has to implement a method with name Process (input: incoming data, output: transformed data). Consult the man page (option -m) for more details.

And option -f (format) can be used to change the output format of data.
Possible values are: repr, x, X, a, A, b, B
The default value (repr) output’s data on a single line using Python’s repr function.
a is an ASCII/HEX dump over several lines, A is an ASCII/HEX dump too, but with duplicate lines removed.
x is an HEX dump over several lines, X is an HEX dump without whitespace.
b is a BASE64 dump over several lines, B is a BASE64 without whitespace.



Article Link: https://blog.didierstevens.com/2019/11/18/update-tcp-honeypot-py-version-0-0-7/