Update: msoffcrypto-crack.py Version 0.0.4

This new version of msoffcrypto-crack.py, a simple tool to crack passwords of MS Office documents, adds rules via option -r.

In this release, there is only one rule to modify candidate passwords: case toggle.

If you use option -r, all passwords in the provide list will be tested, together with their case toggle variant: Secret -> sECRET.

msoffcrypto-crack_V0_0_4.zip (https)
MD5: D3D7A0475FF1C9AAB7BE773514784465
SHA256: 4A27E0FF50863A925FEE55B8F7D16AD29C2DF5E4611F9493DAEEBA89B5F3DBA9

Article Link: https://blog.didierstevens.com/2019/09/14/update-msoffcrypto-crack-py-version-0-0-4/