Update: format-bytes.py Version 0.0.10

This new version of format-bytes.py, a tool to parse binary data, comes with support for bit streams.

This can help, for example, with decoding steganographic data, like a PE file hidden in a .WAV file.

More about this in an upcoming blog post.

format-bytes_V0_0_10.zip (https)
MD5: 3349E2F8C84AE644C0AEFDA4410297C5
SHA256: F75C3A353E42D847264702B1F316A65657E6375EF979B8EF21B282D4676BE4C3

Article Link: https://blog.didierstevens.com/2019/11/09/update-format-bytes-py-version-0-0-10/