Top 10 AT&T Cybersecurity blogs published in 2021

I enjoy being editor and managing this blog so much, I thought I'd share some of the best blogs of 2021. 2022 is right around the corner, but it's also a good time to look back at some 2021 highlights!

AT&T Alien Labs blog by Ofer Caspi in November 2021 AT&T Alien Labs finds new Golang malware (BotenaGo) targeting millions of routers and IoT devices with more than 30 exploits

Fernando Martinez's AT&T Alien Labs blog from July Lazarus campaign TTPs and evolution

Ofer Caspi and Javi Ruiz's FatalRat analysis in August New sophisticated RAT in town: FatalRat analysis

Guest blogger Irfan Shakeel's helpful how-to on using Wireshark in September 2021 Network traffic analysis using Wireshark

Fernando Dominguez's Labs blog in August PRISM attacks fly under the radar

Ofer Caspi's September blog TeamTNT with new campaign aka “Chimaera”

April Labs blog by Dax Morrow and Ofer Caspi The rise of QakBot

Ofer Caspi's January Labs blog TeamTNT delivers malware with new detection evasion tool

Ofer's June 2021 blog Darkside RaaS in Linux version

Mary Blockowiak's helpful A beginner’s guide to SASE in February.

Great year! Happy holidays and keep on blogging!!

Article Link: Top 10 AT&T Cybersecurity blogs published in 2021 | AT&T Cybersecurity