Threat Brief Nemty Ransomware Scaling UP: APAC Mailboxes Swarmed by Dual Downloaders

Nemty is a ransomware that first surfaced in the wild in August 2019, reportedly spreading via RDP with a specific focus on the APAC region. By the end of November 2019 the attack expanded its reach using Phorpiex (also called Trik) by spreading via SMB hosts configured with weak credentials. The ransomware encrypts the victims’ files appending the suffix .nemty to each filename, hence its name. After a few months of negligible activity, in the past few days our sensors picked an unprecedented wave of attacks targeting, again, the APAC region. Unlike previous attacks, the attackers clearly scaled up operations by launching a massive email campaign using again the botnet managed by Phorpiex, this time to distribute a swarm of ZIP archive files containing malicious downloaders implemented in VBScripts. To make the attack more resilient, the adversaries attempt to evade defenses by relying on two different “living off the land” binaries, powershell.exe and bitsadmin.exe, both downloading and executing the same payload.

In this blog post, we detail some of Lastline’s telemetry showcasing the magnitude of the attack, and we provide a brief overview of the most distinctive aspects of the downloader.

Telemetry Data

Figure 1 shows the last two months of telemetry data of analyzed Nemty artifacts (both payloads and downloaders) since December 11th, 2019. As we can see, while there was not much activity until February 7th, when the attacks reached the peak of over 7,500 instances on February 8th, and then dropped to around 5,000 cases the day afterwards. The total number of detections exceeded 14,000 within five days.

![Detection timeline of Nemty artifacts analyzed in the APAC region](upload://4LowIskVJp76WGQiZAqcBKtPnkk.jpeg)Figure 1: Detection timeline of Nemty artifacts analyzed in the APAC region.

Since there is a high probability for the same attachment to be delivered multiple times (common trait of spam waves), to better reflect the scale of the attack we also looked at the actual number of emails featuring this specific downloader. Figure 2 shows the timeline of the delivered email ZIP attachments grouped into 3-hour buckets throughout the whole campaign. The overall email count amounts to 66,000 attachments, far above the number of actual payloads discussed above.

![Number of emails with a ZIP attachment containing a Nemty downloader](upload://9HFN73rx0fEWZWKDPJE6MeFqCHV.jpeg)Figure 2: Number of emails with a ZIP attachment containing a Nemty downloader.

All attachment ZIP files follow the pattern where xxxxxx refers to a 6-digit number, e.g.

It is interesting to note that all email subjects only contain one of the following smiley emojis:  :-), :-* , :),  ;), ;-), 8-D, 8-), which, once rendered, look like these: ![](upload://fvZRZhwnha71zzHIWJ27WZYvK3a.png)![](upload://feHkV1WITNDmSWmGyldOhSnALJt.png)![](upload://l5nKLkbNz5X6Ru5H23w7tywxUos.png)![](upload://ny2sbDhku81cSc3DIRcQ0Jggjmn.png)![](upload://lILBbIpL67OPECZJptdLXEXF4Nu.png)![](upload://rdkyYZKGbFbBS0NKd3BDtsBZNIz.png)![](upload://kZBC8iEpwnUYicWYjkjwdtqHXEu.png). Using a smiley icon in an email subject can be seen as a naive social engineering technique, but due to the payload, it is unlikely to have similarly happy consequences for the victim. A more likely reason is that some spam detectors use email subjects (e.g., invoice, delivery notice, etc.) as an important data point in detection heuristics, and unusually short subjects might help evade detection.

The Dual Downloader

As mentioned earlier, all email attachments are ZIP files containing a malicious VBScript. Table 1 shows the basic information of one of the analyzed VBScript files:

MD5 913e1ce18aa6c620dbf33eeecdbc1085
SHA1 5daa5ad47affc1bec48d1a95767f70c9b032e405
SHA256 add3864eea1847533b52551a1868b0e9b992fe24940b5d8aae5202193f1d107d
Size 1979 bytes
Type text/vbscript

Table 1: The VBScript sample analyzed in this blog post.

This is a very simple VBScript file with only three lines of code (as shown in Figure 3). It first creates a WScript.Shell object, and then runs cmd.exe to launch the payload downloading process. While not really sophisticated, what is interesting is that there are two command lines relying on different services to download the very same payload, e.g., 6246258358.exe:

SHA256: bc7e55048478507b6734c8314857f33309f663ff4f3c3cb65e653a5b308f0bd5

As Figure 3 shows, the first command line uses PowerShell to download the payload from the remote server 92.63.197[.]190 (a known compromised host managed by Phorpiex), and save it to the victim’s temporary directory and execute it, whereas the second command invokes the BITSadmin service.

![Malicious VBScript-based downloader for Nemty ransomware](upload://eEjnJYRHoFA9FHzdJAfHHz9uRLq.jpeg)Figure 3: Malicious VBScript-based downloader for Nemty ransomware.

According to Microsoft documentation, BITSadmin (Background Intelligent Transfer Service, first released with Windows XP) is a command-line tool used to create download or upload jobs whenever the network connection is left idle. As it is a trusted tool by most host and network firewalls, malware creators have been known to abuse this service since 2007. In this specific example, it creates a high priority download job, “getitman”, to download the very same payload from the same server, and execute it.

Abusing living-off-the-land binaries (LoLBins, referring to legitimate OS tools or processes) such as PowerShell or BITSadmin, to download or execute malware is, unfortunately, an increasingly popular trend. However, using multiple executables in an attempt to increase the resilience of the process is far less common. In this case, the attackers acknowledged the popularity of PowerShell (almost 50% of recent threats detected by Lastline use PowerShell in one way or another), and wanted to increase the chance of infection by adding an alternative way when the PowerShell process gets blocked by host firewalls or AV products.

Though all VBScript files have the same malicious functionality, the content is not exactly the same. Some files are obfuscated with garbage code attempting to evade static detection.

Figure 4 shows the fishbone chart detailing the infection chain in a controlled environment when executing the VBScript. As we can see it involves a few interesting subjects, such as powershell.exe (subject 3), bitsadmin.exe (subject 6) and the 6246258358.exe (Nemty ransomware, subject 4).

![VBScript downloader infection chain](upload://5RrKotl3wWoejnq5iTlmOhbMSsQ.jpeg)Figure 4: VBScript downloader infection chain.


As compared to previously reported attacks exploiting vulnerable RDP endpoints in August 2019, this time attackers massively scaled up their operation via an email campaign weaponizing ZIP file attachments with malicious VBScripts downloading Nemty, a well known ransomware. This last campaign relied on both PowerShell and BITSadmin to retrieve and execute the very same payload from the same server. While not incredibly sophisticated, this confirms a well-established trend of relying on multiple LoLBins as a technique to improve the resiliency of an attack; in this specific case the attackers seemed to have assumed that it is common for at least some of those binaries to be actually monitored (and blocked if acting maliciously), and hence chose to double their chances by using both binaries for the very same purpose.

Appendix: IoCs

ZIP archives



f058019c4b68c9cdb588f300074ce1cbb272d9d3737963a16e50961d1474fe22 add3864eea1847533b52551a1868b0e9b992fe24940b5d8aae5202193f1d107d 67565c1d380f13d6b486a7485241cdb3bc942a29dda7d96f2176c56ef6e3623a 392bd0111d7691547b5cf4d4b64ac9c1168532acb57a5954b815c52a812c30c8

Download URLs


Nemty payload


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