Searching Twitter With Twarc

Twarc makes it really easy to search Twitter via the API. Simply create a twarc object using your own API keys and then pass your search query into twarc’s search() function to get a stream of Tweet objects. Remember that, by default, the Twitter API will only return results from the last 7 days. However, this is useful enough if we’re looking for fresh information on a topic.

Since this methodology is so simple, posting code for a tool that simply prints the resulting tweets to stdout would make for a boring blog post. Here I present a tool that collects a bunch of metadata from the returned Tweet objects. Here’s what it does:

  • records frequency distributions of URLs, hashtags, and users
  • records interactions between users and hashtags
  • outputs csv files that can be imported into Gephi for graphing
  • downloads all images found in Tweets
  • records each Tweet’s text along with the URL of the Tweet

The code doesn’t really need explanation, so here’s the whole thing.

from collections import Counter
from itertools import combinations
from twarc import Twarc
import requests
import sys
import os
import shutil
import io
import re
import json

Helper functions for saving json, csv and formatted txt files

def save_json(variable, filename):
with, “w”, encoding=“utf-8”) as f:
f.write(unicode(json.dumps(variable, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)))

def save_csv(data, filename):
with, “w”, encoding=“utf-8”) as handle:
for source, targets in sorted(data.items()):
for target, count in sorted(targets.items()):
if source != target and source is not None and target is not None:
handle.write(source + u"," + target + u"," + unicode(count) + u"\n")

def save_text(data, filename):
with, “w”, encoding=“utf-8”) as handle:
for item, count in data.most_common():
handle.write(unicode(count) + “\t” + item + “\n”)

Returns the screen_name of the user retweeted, or None

def retweeted_user(status):
if “retweeted_status” in status:
orig_tweet = status[“retweeted_status”]
if “user” in orig_tweet and orig_tweet[“user”] is not None:
user = orig_tweet[“user”]
if “screen_name” in user and user[“screen_name”] is not None:
return user[“screen_name”]

Returns a list of screen_names that the user interacted with in this Tweet

def get_interactions(status):
interactions = []
if “in_reply_to_screen_name” in status:
replied_to = status[“in_reply_to_screen_name”]
if replied_to is not None and replied_to not in interactions:
if “retweeted_status” in status:
orig_tweet = status[“retweeted_status”]
if “user” in orig_tweet and orig_tweet[“user”] is not None:
user = orig_tweet[“user”]
if “screen_name” in user and user[“screen_name”] is not None:
if user[“screen_name”] not in interactions:
if “quoted_status” in status:
orig_tweet = status[“quoted_status”]
if “user” in orig_tweet and orig_tweet[“user”] is not None:
user = orig_tweet[“user”]
if “screen_name” in user and user[“screen_name”] is not None:
if user[“screen_name”] not in interactions:
if “entities” in status:
entities = status[“entities”]
if “user_mentions” in entities:
for item in entities[“user_mentions”]:
if item is not None and “screen_name” in item:
mention = item[‘screen_name’]
if mention is not None and mention not in interactions:
return interactions

Returns a list of hashtags found in the tweet

def get_hashtags(status):
hashtags = []
if “entities” in status:
entities = status[“entities”]
if “hashtags” in entities:
for item in entities[“hashtags”]:
if item is not None and “text” in item:
hashtag = item[‘text’]
if hashtag is not None and hashtag not in hashtags:
return hashtags

Returns a list of URLs found in the Tweet

def get_urls(status):
urls = []
if “entities” in status:
entities = status[“entities”]
if “urls” in entities:
for item in entities[“urls”]:
if item is not None and “expanded_url” in item:
url = item[‘expanded_url’]
if url is not None and url not in urls:
return urls

Returns the URLs to any images found in the Tweet

def get_image_urls(status):
urls = []
if “entities” in status:
entities = status[“entities”]
if “media” in entities:
for item in entities[“media”]:
if item is not None:
if “media_url” in item:
murl = item[“media_url”]
if murl not in urls:
return urls

Main starts here

if name == ‘main’:

Add your own API key values here


twarc = Twarc(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret)

Check that search terms were provided at the command line

target_list = []
if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
target_list = sys.argv[1:]
print(“No search terms provided. Exiting.”)

num_targets = len(target_list)
for count, target in enumerate(target_list):
print(str(count + 1) + “/” + str(num_targets) + " searching on target: " + target)

Create a separate save directory for each search query

Since search queries can be a whole sentence, we’ll check the length

and simply number it if the query is overly long

save_dir = ""
if len(target) < 30:
  save_dir = target.replace(" ", "_")
  save_dir = "target_" + str(count + 1)
if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
  print("Creating directory: " + save_dir)

Variables for capturing stuff

tweets_captured = 0
influencer_frequency_dist = Counter()
mentioned_frequency_dist = Counter()
hashtag_frequency_dist = Counter()
url_frequency_dist = Counter()
user_user_graph = {}
user_hashtag_graph = {}
hashtag_hashtag_graph = {}
all_image_urls = []
tweets = {}
tweet_count = 0

Start the search

for status in

Output some status as we go, so we know something is happening

  sys.stdout.write("Collected " + str(tweet_count) + " tweets.")
  tweet_count += 1

  screen_name = None
  if "user" in status:
    if "screen_name" in status["user"]:
      screen_name = status["user"]["screen_name"]

  retweeted = retweeted_user(status)
  if retweeted is not None:
    influencer_frequency_dist[retweeted] += 1
    influencer_frequency_dist[screen_name] += 1

Tweet text can be in either “text” or “full_text” field…

  text = None
  if "full_text" in status:
    text = status["full_text"]
  elif "text" in status:
    text = status["text"]

  id_str = None
  if "id_str" in status:
    id_str = status["id_str"]

Assemble the URL to the tweet we received…

  tweet_url = None
  if "id_str" is not None and "screen_name" is not None:
    tweet_url = "" + screen_name + "/status/" + id_str

…and capture it

  if tweet_url is not None and text is not None:
    tweets[tweet_url] = text

Record mapping graph between users

  interactions = get_interactions(status)
    if interactions is not None:
      for user in interactions:
        mentioned_frequency_dist[user] += 1
        if screen_name not in user_user_graph:
          user_user_graph[screen_name] = {}
        if user not in user_user_graph[screen_name]:
          user_user_graph[screen_name][user] = 1
          user_user_graph[screen_name][user] += 1

Record mapping graph between users and hashtags

  hashtags = get_hashtags(status)
  if hashtags is not None:
    if len(hashtags) > 1:
      hashtag_interactions = []

This code creates pairs of hashtags in situations where multiple

hashtags were found in a tweet

This is used to create a graph of hashtag-hashtag interactions

      for comb in combinations(sorted(hashtags), 2):
      if len(hashtag_interactions) > 0:
        for inter in hashtag_interactions:
          item1, item2 = inter
          if item1 not in hashtag_hashtag_graph:
            hashtag_hashtag_graph[item1] = {}
          if item2 not in hashtag_hashtag_graph[item1]:
            hashtag_hashtag_graph[item1][item2] = 1
            hashtag_hashtag_graph[item1][item2] += 1
      for hashtag in hashtags:
        hashtag_frequency_dist[hashtag] += 1
        if screen_name not in user_hashtag_graph:
          user_hashtag_graph[screen_name] = {}
        if hashtag not in user_hashtag_graph[screen_name]:
          user_hashtag_graph[screen_name][hashtag] = 1
          user_hashtag_graph[screen_name][hashtag] += 1

  urls = get_urls(status)
  if urls is not None:
    for url in urls:
      url_frequency_dist[url] += 1

  image_urls = get_image_urls(status)
  if image_urls is not None:
    for url in image_urls:
      if url not in all_image_urls:

Iterate through image URLs, fetching each image if we haven’t already

  print("Fetching images.")
  pictures_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, "images")
  if not os.path.exists(pictures_dir):
    print("Creating directory: " + pictures_dir)
  for url in all_image_urls:
    m ="^http:\/\/pbs\.twimg\.com\/media\/(.+)$", url)
    if m is not None:
      filename =
      print("Getting picture from: " + url)
      save_path = os.path.join(pictures_dir, filename)
      if not os.path.exists(save_path):
        response = requests.get(url, stream=True)
        with open(save_path, 'wb') as out_file:
          shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, out_file)
        del response

Output a bunch of files containing the data we just gathered

  print("Saving data.")
  json_outputs = {"tweets.json": tweets,
                  "urls.json": url_frequency_dist,
                  "hashtags.json": hashtag_frequency_dist,
                  "influencers.json": influencer_frequency_dist,
                  "mentioned.json": mentioned_frequency_dist,
                  "user_user_graph.json": user_user_graph,
                  "user_hashtag_graph.json": user_hashtag_graph,
                  "hashtag_hashtag_graph.json": hashtag_hashtag_graph}
  for name, dataset in json_outputs.iteritems():
    filename = os.path.join(save_dir, name)
    save_json(dataset, filename)

These files are created in a format that can be easily imported into Gephi

  csv_outputs = {"user_user_graph.csv": user_user_graph,
                 "user_hashtag_graph.csv": user_hashtag_graph,
                 "hashtag_hashtag_graph.csv": hashtag_hashtag_graph}
  for name, dataset in csv_outputs.iteritems():
    filename = os.path.join(save_dir, name)
    save_csv(dataset, filename)

  text_outputs = {"hashtags.txt": hashtag_frequency_dist,
                  "influencers.txt": influencer_frequency_dist,
                  "mentioned.txt": mentioned_frequency_dist,
                  "urls.txt": url_frequency_dist}
  for name, dataset in text_outputs.iteritems():
    filename = os.path.join(save_dir, name)
    save_text(dataset, filename)

Running this tool will create a directory for each search term provided at the command-line. To search for a sentence, or to include multiple terms, enclose the argument with quotes. Due to Twitter’s rate limiting, your search may hit a limit, and need to pause to wait for the rate limit to reset. Luckily twarc takes care of that. Once the search is finished, a bunch of files will be written to the previously created directory.

Since I use a Mac, I can use its Quick Look functionality from the Finder to browse the output files created. Since pytorch is gaining a lot of interest, I ran my script against that search term. Here’s some examples of how I can quickly view the output files.

The preview pane is enough to get an overview of the recorded data.


Pressing spacebar opens the file in Quick Look, which is useful for data that doesn’t fit neatly into the preview pane

Importing the user_user_graph.csv file into Gephi provided me with some neat visualizations about the pytorch community.

A full zoom out of the pytorch community

Here we can see who the main influencers are. It seems that Yann LeCun and François Chollet are Tweeting about pytorch, too.

Here’s a zoomed-in view of part of the network.

Zoomed in view of part of the Gephi graph generated.

If you enjoyed this post, check out the previous two articles I published on using the Twitter API here and here. I hope you have fun tailoring this script to your own needs!

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