[SANS ISC] Sharing Private Data with Webcast Invitations

I published the following diary on isc.sans.org: “Sharing Private Data with Webcast Invitations“.

Last week, at a customer, we received a forwarded email in a shared mailbox. It was somebody from another department that shared an invitation for a webcast “that could be interesting for you, guys!”. This time, no phishing attempt, no malware, just a regular email sent from a well-known security vendor. A colleague was interested in the webcast and clicked on the registration link… [Read more]

[The post [SANS ISC] Sharing Private Data with Webcast Invitations has been first published on /dev/random]

Article Link: https://blog.rootshell.be/2017/06/01/sans-isc-sharing-private-data-webcast-invitations/