Quickpost: Retrieving Malware Via Tor On Windows

I sometimes retrieve malware over Tor, just as a simple trick to use another IP address than my own. I don’t do anything particular to be anonymous, just use Tor in its default configuration.

On Linux, its easy: I install tor and torsocks packages, then start tor, and use wget or curl with torsocks, like this:

torsocks wget URL

torsocks curl URL

On Windows, its a bit more difficult, because the torsocks trick doesn’t work.

I run Tor (Windows Expert Bundle) without any configuration:

This will give me a Socks listener, that curl can use:

curl --socks5-hostname http://www.didierstevens.com

option –socks5-hostname makes curl use the Socks listener provided by Tor to make connections and perform DNS requests (option –socks5 does not use the Socks listener for DNS request, just for connections).

wget has no option to use a Socks listener, but it can use an HTTP(S) proxy.

Privoxy is a filtering proxy that I can use to help wget to talk to Tor like this.

I make 2 changes to Privoxy’s configuration config.txt:

1) I change line 811 from “toggle 1” to “toggle 0” to configure Privoxy as a normal proxy, without filtering.

2) I add this line 1363: “forward-socks5t / .”, this makes Privoxy use Tor.

Then I launch Privoxy:

And then I can use wget like this:

wget -e use_proxy=yes -e http_proxy= -e https_proxy= URL

Port 8118 is Privoxy’s port. If you want, you can also put these options in a configuration file.

Often, my wget command will be a bit more complex (I’ll explain this in another blog post, but it’s based on this ISC diary entry):

wget -d -o 01.log -U "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)" -e use_proxy=yes -e http_proxy= -e https_proxy= --no-check-certificate URL


I can also use Tor browser in stead of Tor, but then I need to connect to port 9150.

Quickpost info

Article Link: https://blog.didierstevens.com/2018/01/21/quickpost-retrieving-malware-via-tor-on-windows/