Post Exploit Visibility and the Need For Speed

Advanced malware is no longer the most dangerous enemy in the world of advanced threats. The new adversaries are human orchestrated attack campaigns — a series of hidden events engineered to create chaos. Improve your mean-time-to-detection and post-exploit visibility by looking within network traffic flowing through the complex boundaries of your organization.

Arbor Spectrum is an internal network traffic analysis solution designed to detect and confirm hidden threats-in real time and retrospectively. With Spectrum you will discover the most damaging threats to your network as they happen, by merging your own threat and network activity with Arbor’s ATLAS traffic intelligence and our network and traffic behavioral indicators.

There are no magic bullets only better approaches and processes. At Arbor, we understand that we are engaged in a long-term battle with highly motivated, skilled and patient adversaries. We view our job as enabling defenders, with solutions that are easy to use. We do this by delivering complete visibility, layered with thoroughly vetted threat intelligence that inspires action. The result, detecting the most critical, coordinated and orchestrated attacks in your environment faster than you ever thought possible.

To learn more about the adversaries targeting your business, 451 Research has written a fascinating paper, Tech Industry Doppelgangers: Campaign Innovation in the World of Cybercrime.

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