Placing the Suspect Behind the Keyboard online course

Placing the Suspect Behind the Keyboard online course

My newest course is out and it is the best course you will find on the topic.  More than 12 hours of investigative methods and effective techniques to build a case against criminals who use technology to commit crimes.  

  • Learn the methods to track criminals online and in the real world
  • Learn the tricks of the trade (tradecraft) of covert communications and breaking those communications
  • Learn how to build a case that would not have been closed without this course
  • Learn the one thingI that will give you the tools to become not only a great forensicator, but someone that can place a suspect behind the keyboard

Placing the Suspect Behind the Keyboard was the first digital forensics book focusing on building a good case on criminals who use technology to commit crimes. This also the first course teaching that specific topic.  My intention with this online course is to put you into the mindset of someone working toward identifying the suspect, gathering evidence on the suspect, and proving allegations against your suspect; in effect, placing the suspect behind the keyboard.

CURRENT PROMOTION   July 14-21, 2017

		<p><strong><em>Amazing Promo for the <u>first 100 registrations only</u>!</em></strong></p>

		<p><em>$799&nbsp;</em>&nbsp; <strong><u>$399 </u>HALF PRICE</strong>, 1-year access to Placing the Suspect Behind the Keyboard</p>

		<p><em>$59&nbsp;</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>FREE</strong>!&nbsp; Copy of <a href=";sortby=sortByRelevance&amp;imprintname=Syngress&amp;q=brett%20shavers" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank" title=""><em>Placing the Suspect Behind the Keyboard</em></a>* nominated Digital Forensics Book of the Year 2014</p>

		<p><em>$59&nbsp;</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>FREE</strong>!&nbsp; Copy of <a href=";sortby=sortByRelevance&amp;imprintname=Syngress&amp;q=brett%20shavers" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank" title=""><em>Hiding Behind the Keyboard</em></a>* nominated Digital Forensics Book of the Year 2017.</p>

		<p>$599&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>FREE</strong>! 1-year FREE access to the online X-Ways Forensics Practitioner’s Guide course</p>

		<p>PROMO CODE: <strong>psbk-100</strong></p>

		<div><strong><a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></strong></div>

		<p>This is over $1,500 worth of digital forensics goodness for just $399, but&nbsp;<strong><em>only</em></strong><u>&nbsp;for the first 100 registrations or until July 21, whichever comes first.</u></p>

		<p><i>The&nbsp;<strong>might</strong>&nbsp;be a different promo the following week, but it won't be as good as the first week.</i></p>

Holistically, this course covers everything you need, whether working in the private or public sector.  Investigative techniques are discussed for both sectors as many methods can be used in both case types.  A few sections are LE-only simply because citizens cannot wiretap other citizens (as an example), however, you can see the differences between a method used by law enforcement and the private sector.  Practically speaking however, the actual methods are the same.  A forensic analysis of a flash drive in a criminal case is not different than in a civil case, nor are the methods to tie a person to a device different.

If your career has been like mine, most cases are fairly straightforward. Perhaps a suspect was already identified and most of the evidence already seized.  In many cases, whether it is a criminal arrest or being hired as a private consultant, generally, you start with all you need to begin examining the media.  But if your career is like mine, there have been a few cases where that is simply not the case.  This course is not only for the easy cases, but especially for the tough ones.

This course is not just for the average case, but developed especially to address the difficult cases.

Cases where the suspect has not been identified.  Cases where the electronic evidence has not been seized.  Cases where there are many suspects.  Cases where the evidence linking the suspect to the device or crime is weak at best.  For those cases, you need to take extra measures, think out of the box, and use everything at your disposal.  You have to work at putting the suspect behind the keyboard, because if you don’t, it won’t happen. 

Don’t let your case go to the cold-case files.  Solve it!  This course shows you how to do it.  The books detail even more on how to put cases together, especially the really difficult cases where you have little to go.  As for incident response cases (breaches), this is not a course on mitigating a breach, or tracking hackers in cyberspace.  Although, many of the methods will work for just that.   Incident Response can benefit greatly for the sake of sometimes the suspect in a breach must be caught for a variety of reasons.  This course and books brings it to you.

The Placing the Suspect Behind the Keyboard online course uses the same material as the 2-day workshop with the biggest difference being not working actual cases in class.  As a side note, in a previous class, a suicide case was reopened as a potential homicide case based on course methods in the class!  The methods are proven to work.

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