Outdated Mobile Devices Double the Chances of a Breach

A key factor in the widespread reach of the WannaCry ransomware attack earlier this year was that, prior to the attack, companies across hundreds of countries failed to apply a critical update (MS17-010) from Microsoft. This attack, along with the more recent NotPetya attack, has highlighted the prevalence and the risk of outdated software on corporate networks.

In a recent report, A Growing Risk Ignored: Critical Updates, BitSight researchers found that over 2,000 organizations are running more than 50 percent of their computers on outdated versions of an operating system, making them almost three times as likely to experience a publicly disclosed breach. They also found that over 8,500 organizations have more than 50 percent of their computers running an out-of-date version of an Internet browser, doubling their chances of experiencing a publicly disclosed breach. As more devices connect into corporate networks, companies without robust endpoint security controls or mature third party risk management programs are more likely to experience cyber attacks in the future.

Article Link: https://www.bitsighttech.com/blog/outdated-mobile-devices-double-chances-of-breach