My Weekly RoundUp #125

A lot of interesting links, this week! Cybersecurity Coronavirus Phishing Attacks Are Actively Targeting the US Ongoing phishing campaigns use the recent coronavirus outbreak as bait in attacks targeting individuals from the United States and the United Kingdom, impersonating the US CDC and virologists, warning of new infection cases in their area, and providing ‘safety measures.’ BleepingComputer IM­P4GT: IM­Per­so­na­ti­on At­tacks in 4G NeT­works Long Term Evo­lu­ti­on (LTE/4G) es­ta­blis­hes mu­tu­al au­then­ti­ca­ti­on with a prov­a­b­ly se­cu­re Au­then­ti­ca­ti­on and Key Agree­ment (AKA) pro­to­col on layer three of the net­work stack. Per­ma­nent in­te­gri­ty pro­tec­tion of the con­trol plane safe­guards the traf­fic against ma­ni­pu­la­ti­ons. Howe­ver,…

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