Jenkins - messing with new exploits pt1

Jenkins notes for:

to download old jenkins WAR files

1st bug in the blog is a username enumeration bug in

  • Jenkins weekly up to and including 2.145
  • Jenkins LTS up to and including 2.138.1

From the blog:
Pre-auth User Information Leakage
While testing Jenkins, it’s a common scenario that you want to perform a brute-force attack but you don’t know which account you can try(a valid credential can read the source at least so it’s worth to be the first attempt).
In this situation, this vulnerability is useful!Due to the lack of permission check on search functionality. By modifying the keyword from a to z, an attacker can list all users on Jenkins! 






Even though the advisory says 2.138_1 i tested against 2.138 and the exploit doesn’t work.

SOOOOO you are looking for Jenkins <= 2.137

If jenkins is really old the above should work and also where you can get the email address via similar query.

  • versions up to (including) 2.73.1
  • versions up to (including) 2.83

with 2.137 you can get username/id


Article Link: Jenkins - messing with new exploits pt1 Carnal0wnage - Blog Carnal0wnage Blog