InfoSecurity Russia 2017

Russia Anti-DDoS Services Market 

According to IDC Worldwide DDoS Prevention Products and Services Forecast, the world market of DDoS-attacks protection tend to have annual growth rate of 11% in years from 2015 to 2020, and the 2020 figure will exceed $1 billion.

The Russian market for protection against DDoS attacks is far from saturation, and by the year of 2020 its volume is about to reach $32 million with average annual growth rate of 14.4%. The main factors that affect the market and will affect it in the future include the use of mobile devices and IoT as participants in botnets, the IPv6 protocol implementation; the growing number of different Internet services, the widespread use of DDoS as a service, as well as the critical and zero-day vulnerabilities. Read more>>> 

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