As Bryan Adams croons in the background (Everything I do) I do it for you…. and you give the last touches to your Valentine’s Day preparations, don’t forget to do that one thing that is playing a big spoilsport in relationships today- put your devices away! After all, you don’t want a phone buzz to spoil that perfectly romantic mood.
Good idea you say? But unfortunately, many don’t. McAfee released findings from a recent India survey, “Three’s Company: Lovers, Friends and Devices” that aims to understand the online behavior of people and how it affects their real-world relationships with friends and significant others. The survey findings highlight the need for better digital balance and greater vigilance while sharing personal information.
Consider the facts discovered by this year’s survey:
- 67% of the people in a relationship have felt that their significant other was more interested in their internet connected device than in them.
- 77% of the respondents feel that the use of technology gets in the way of relationships
- 89% of Indians would be concerned if their significant other did not take the necessary steps to protect their personal information.
No doubt devices have become an integral part of our lives and we cannot imagine a life without them. We need them to connect, share, learn and discover. They can also prove to be life-saving at times. Having said that, it is also imperative that we do not let devices take over our lives, or our special times with the people who matter most to us. Face-to-face interactions are very important, whether it be with your significant other, or kids, or friends.
A comparison with the 2017 survey shows an increase in undesirable device habits over the year:
- 84% said they share their personal passwords and PINs with their partners in 2018, up from 46% in 2017.
- 75% indicated that they have had to compete for the attention of their date with their device, up from 57% in 2017.
- 39% indicate that they have/would allow their significant other to use their work device (s), which is slightly higher than the 35% recorded last year.
On a positive note, 76% Indians are also taking the necessary steps to ensure their personal information is protected on their connected devices. That’s great to know and they should also be more vigilant about sharing too much. Though 89% of Indians think privacy is important in a relationship, there is a lot of sharing going on between partners and it’s not just love and sweet nothings. 84% share their passwords and PINs with their partners for:
- Online shopping websites – 60%
- Social media accounts – 45%
- Streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, etc.) – 42%
- Personal email accounts – 41%
- Banking and financial services websites – 38%
- Work specific devices/accounts – 38%
Tip: Proactively practice digital balance by keeping devices away or on silent mode when talking to family members or your partner. Give your 100% attention to them.
We want you to stay safe online as well as stay close to your loved ones! Here are a few tips that will help you stay safe while staying in love:
- Protect your loved ones online… secure their devices. Take control of your privacy and security. Products like McAfee Total Protection helps secure all your devices and keep your personal data personal.
- Keep control over emotions when it comes to passwords. Please tell me your password isn’t Love2018 or MyLoveXYZ?? Be as romantic as you want in real life but be very careful when choosing passwords, they are the keys to your accounts and shouldn’t be easy to hack. Use the TrueKey app to manage all your passwords. Also, enable Two-Factor-Authentication on all accounts for enhanced safety.
- Love you…. but love my device more? No way! I know that feeling, of wanting to ‘just scroll through’ social media messages or checking the battery if there has been no ping for some time; but hey, relax and take a chill pill. Messages won’t disappear so, give priority to real connections over virtual ones.
A successful life and relationship is all about prioritizing and doing the right thing at the right time. This Valentine’s Day give priority to a device-free date and you will love the joy and positive vibes you feel around you.
The post Indian Digital Citizens Need to Better Balance Their Device Use and Manage Online Safety appeared first on McAfee Blogs.
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