Hey you, get off that cloud! Said no Zimperium person ever…

Zimperium Delivers First Mobile Security Solution Available On Any Cloud.


Zimperium is proud to be the global leader in enterprise mobile security. We got there by one simple rule: listen to your customer. Our customers told us they didn’t want to be locked-in to any one cloud platform. They often rely on multiple cloud providers. Even when they have standardized on one platform, many times they need to maintain multiple clouds while they migrate to their chosen solution. Today, we announced yet another crucial ability to deliver enterprise value: Customers can now implement Zimperium’s management console, zConsole, across all cloud platforms, including Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Oracle Cloud. Because zConsole can be deployed in any cloud, IT and security teams can now support corporate platform choices, reduce implementation and maintenance issues and avoid lock-in with any one cloud provider.

Zimperium is designed for the enterprise and we have earned our leadership position through unparalleled on-device mobile threat protection, advanced machine learning, world renown mobile security research and our unmatched ability to integrate our platform into each organization’s security and IT workflows.

To learn more, please read the announcement or  contact us for a free demo or trial.

The post Hey you, get off that cloud! Said no Zimperium person ever… appeared first on Zimperium Mobile Security Blog.

Article Link: https://blog.zimperium.com/hey-get-off-cloud-said-no-zimperium-person-ever/