Fake ticketsales.com e-tickets scam delivers ursnif banking trojan

We are seeing a malspam campaign with emails pretending to be e-tickets from Ticketsales.com This looks like it is a new Ursnif banking trojan version, that is now currently being investigated by several researchers and AV companies. I really don’t know what this one is https://t.co/y311bfStAp https://t.co/BUFAa03ABh — My Online Security (@dvk01uk) September 25, 2018 They use email addresses and subjects that will entice, persuade, scare or shock a recipient to read the email and open the attachment or follow the links. Unusually this campaign is aimed more at Consumers rather than small companies with the lure of e-tickets for an … Continue reading →

Article Link: https://myonlinesecurity.co.uk/fake-ticketsales-com-e-tickets-scam-delivers-ursnif-banking-trojan/