Example of Ransomware As A Service

A few days ago, I wrote a diary for the SANS ISC about a ransomware as a service found on the Darknet. Today, I found an occurrence of “RaaSberry” which is a known platform. It is available in the wild for a few months. The service is available through Tor and looks professional. How does it work?

  1. You create an account
  2. Your transfer some BTC to your account
  3. Your order a package corresponding to your needs
  4. You get a unique malware sample

The entry-level package is sold 0.00519977BTC (~37.32€ with the current price). I took some screenshots to give you an overview of the service:

RaaS Welcome Page

RaaS Registration

RaaS Dashboard

RaaS Wallet

RaaS SupportRaaS Packages



[The post Example of Ransomware As A Service has been first published on /dev/random]

Article Link: https://blog.rootshell.be/2018/02/02/example-ransomware-service/