A few days ago, I wrote a diary for the SANS ISC about a ransomware as a service found on the Darknet. Today, I found an occurrence of “RaaSberry” which is a known platform. It is available in the wild for a few months. The service is available through Tor and looks professional. How does it work?
- You create an account
- Your transfer some BTC to your account
- Your order a package corresponding to your needs
- You get a unique malware sample
The entry-level package is sold 0.00519977BTC (~37.32€ with the current price). I took some screenshots to give you an overview of the service:
[The post Example of Ransomware As A Service has been first published on /dev/random]
Article Link: https://blog.rootshell.be/2018/02/02/example-ransomware-service/