#CLOUDSEC2017: DDoS: Large Attacks Shake the Internet but Modest Attacks Cause More Business Damage

Speaking at CLOUDSEC 2017 today Ashley Stephenson, CEO of Corero, explored innovation in DDoS mitigation and ways to defeat the modern day DDoS attack.

Stephenson said that whilst, in the last five years, there have been various large-scale DDoS attacks that have made national or even global headline news, these are not good examples of the types of attacks that companies are suffering from day-to-day.

Instead, he explained that it is the frequent, modestly sized, short duration modern DDoS attacks that are the real problem as they actually cause organizations the most damage regularly, and it’s those types of attacks that businesses should be focusing on.

“The headline-grabbing attacks aren’t always the ones that you really have to worry about with regards to improving your security posture for your business,” Stephenson argued.

“Those high-profile attacks are really just the tip of the iceberg. There is much more activity that ends up in real terms doing more harm to businesses below the waterline. If you’re not doing something today to protect your business against these types of threats, then you are exposed.”

The reality is, he added, protecting against the everyday types of attacks is something you can do a lot about and you can inform yourselves much more clearly about the consequences and the types of vectors being used through the use of good technology products that are aimed at DDoS specifically.

“The very large, internet-overpowering events that occur might make the internet itself creak in certain geographies or services, but there’s very little you can do as an individual corporation to deal with those issues,” Stephenson concluded.

Source: https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/cloudsec2017-ddos-large-attacks/

Article Link: https://ddosattacks.net/cloudsec2017-ddos-large-attacks-shake-the-internet-but-modest-attacks-cause-more-business-damage/