A Wrap Up of ToorCon 19 at San Diego

ToorCon 19 San Diego was held Monday August 28th to Sunday September 3rd, 2017 at The Westin San Diego. It included three parts. The first was training workshops focused on various aspects of computer security. These took place on Aug 28-31. The second was a Seminar held on Sep 1. The third part was the formal Conference that ran from Sep 1-3.

I was honored to be able to present my research, Dig Deep into FlexiSpy for Android at ToorCon 19. FlexiSpy for Android is a spy app with full IM tracking, VoIP call recording, and live call interception…

Article Link: https://blog.fortinet.com/2017/09/18/a-wrap-up-of-toorcon-19-at-san-diego